Ways to increase sales efficiency | SOLARGROUP experts recommend

Ways to increase sales efficiency | SOLARGROUP experts recommend

Hi dear friends! My name is Maria Scherbakova. I am the head of sales at SOLARGROUP.

Today I would like to share with you a tool that we use in our department. This tool is called Pipeline. It is a system of sales management that reflects the stage of work with each investor.

In order to make the sales process more efficient, we often need to address the quality of our interactions with customers. And the Pipeline tool helps to make a timely offer to potential and active investors - tailored to their desires and needs. This tool graphically shows where the lead (potential customer) is, standardises the process of working with investors and makes it possible to project and manage sales.

I will show you how it works with an example.

Set a goal. Our goal is to increase the number of leads that take these actions:

• purchase an investment package,
• upsize their active package,
• restore a cancelled installment plan.

Fill the Pipeline with content. To do this, you need to enter all this information into the table:

• information about the investor (full name, contact details);
• full name of the employee who works with this investor (personal manager);
• the stage reached in working with this investor and further actions to be taken;
• the estimated amount of investment that the investor/potential investor plans to make;
• the probability that the investor will fulfil the target action (purchase an investment package / upsize a package / restore a cancelled installment plan) is displayed in % - the higher the investor's interest and the closer or more precise the deadline in which the investor has promised to deposit the amount, the higher the %;
• the date on which work with the investor starts and the planned duration of the target action;
• other information that may be useful (reasons for refusal, investor's circumstances, etc.).

You can find an example of the completed table by clicking here.

• Work with the table on a daily basis. You can set up filters to make sure you don't miss out on any investors and contact them in time (according to the dates marked) to make an up-to-date offer.

Document the reasons for rejection in the comments - you can analyse them and understand what skills you should develop in your work with investors.

Schedule communication with the customer! Even if the investor is not ready to buy an investment package in the near future, set a date in the table for the next call and be sure to contact the customer, as his or her situation may change.

Once you set up your Pipeline correctly (as in the example), it helps you to standardise the way you work with people. It becomes easier for you to:

• keep track of the time frame in which an offer needs to be made to an investor;
• keep track of the amounts that investors are counting on;
• monitor the status of your work with investors;
• schedule the actions you need to take to achieve your goals;
• analyse the efficiency of actions to achieve results and make adjustments.

I hope you will find this tool useful and make your work more efficient and easier!