The man who helped SOLARGROUP tap into the Indian market | Success story of the partner Birdi Gulshan Kumar

The man who helped SOLARGROUP tap into the Indian market | Success story of the partner Birdi Gulshan Kumar

My name is Birdi Gulshan Kumar. I am the national partner of SOLARGROUP in India. I was educated first in India (mechanical engineering degree), then in Italy (degree in design). I liked dismantling and assembling electronic equipment.
 The electronics sector was very familiar to me. So was the networking business - I worked in big companies dealing with investments and cryptocurrencies. I even sold diamonds in one of the companies.
 I must say that there were many investment proposals, including those from Russia. But when I learned about the project "Duyunov's motors" and SOLARGROUP, I was attracted by three things. First, I saw the technology itself, these motors are demonstrated to people, that is, you can study the product in detail. Second, the management system and the top executives were a pleasant surprise and proved to be more effective and friendly than in other companies. Third, I was impressed when the Indian Minister of Transport announced that by 2030 most cars are to be replaced by electric transport. This gives great potential for economic growth and development, both in India and in other countries. So I decided to join the project "Duyunov's motors".
 The first goal was to get to the top, according to the marketing plan. I wanted to quickly reach the "Master" status and go further. To compare: now I want to set up offices all over the world. Register the OOO/LTD and distribute motors in India, England, Italy.
 I started with buying a $500 investment package, then - a $5,000 package (through an installment plan), and later - another package worth $50,000, also in installments. My first partners were three or four people from Italy (they are now the leaders of my structure). I explained to them that even in the most pessimistic scenario, if only India "launched", this project would boom. And people went on to tell others the same thing.
 I didn't talk about money, because the crucial question for everyone was how the project would affect our planet and the environment. I created the presentation as a film about the ecology and environmental issues, and I shared it with people. If you only talk about money and cryptocurrencies, then why do we need electric motors? I always think about the fact that I don't want to pass on today's problems to next generations. That's the strength of the project - the connection with positive change for the planet. In my opinion, this is the project's greatest advantage over others. And money and financial freedom will come next. They need to be talked about, but that is not the main thing. I have been to New Delhi and I know the kind of smog there. Among other things, our project is capable of solving this problem too! 
 I quickly reached the "Master" status. It took me about 9 months to reach the "Expert" status. I wouldn't say that there is a universal algorithm of work that suits everyone. I have an individual approach to each person. There are five or six people in the structure who work well with people, but I talk to each person individually (call or leave messages) and help whenever there are questions. Sometimes, if I see that a partner or the one who invited him or her struggles to do something, I help contact technical support in order to quickly address the issue. Like in volleyball, when the ball reaches me, I either pass or hit it.
 There were times in the beginning of my work here when I wanted to escape. Everything was in Russian, including the website. I used online translators. But then I talked to other leading partners of the company, got in touch with Pavel Shadskiy - and everything changed! I felt the atmosphere and after that I had no more doubts.
 I work and eat in the same space. I communicate a lot with my partners. Sometimes I do not sleep longer than 20 minutes at a time for 20 days. My relatives wonder if I'm a robot, as I'm constantly online.
 I can't tell you what motivates me, where I get my energy from. Work is part of my soul. Once I watched Sadhguru (founder of the Isha Foundation charitable organization who runs yoga programs around the world) who said that the body knows best when to sleep, and you should sleep when you feel the need. After that, I changed myself a little bit, my need to sleep changed too. And that's how it works in everything. Motivation is what's inside you.
 If someone calls or asks a question, I consider it my personal responsibility to help them, regardless of whose structure that person is in. Because the development of the company is the development of all of us. 
 All people are different, they have different benchmarks. The first thing you have to do is to let the person speak. In India, for instance, everybody likes talking. We give people the opportunity to have their say, we show them examples of big companies that have been successful in recent years and we tell them that every potential partner of SOLARGROUP has the same chance. Everyone can be at the beginning of the same successful path. Who doesn't want to make money today? Everyone does! You can bet on it! You should listen to the person, find out what he or she cares about, what their "weak spot" is, and then build your communication further with that in mind. I perceive every conversation as an exchange of energy and ideas. I try to equally share my attention with everyone. Not doing that is like putting bread between people - there can be jealousy. 
 I experience physical pain when a partner stops. It's like I've fallen and hurt myself. The relationship I have with my partners is so personal, I help them as if they were family members. Sometimes a partner happens to leave for another project and then comes back to me. You have to keep in mind that everyone has so many offers, you are offered a quick return by some projects, and that attracts people. And you have to work on your personal brand so that you are known as an expert and trusted. But the choice is still up to the partner.
 Discipline is important to maintain the work pace. I have a former military man in my structure, and he is really good at discipline, he plans and executes tasks promptly. And this is the perfect algorithm: first you set clear goals, then set the deadlines, and after that - perform the tasks. When we opened the office, everything became better organized and the work was allocated more precisely in terms of timing, deadlines, and people who perform the tasks.
 I would recommend that new partners start with personal communication on Facebook. Or on other social media. But Facebook is the best option today, since there are many specialized groups there. I recommend analyzing them first. If the group is active, with around 5,000 participants, you can publish posts there. You can find communities and post information about the business there. Apart from Facebook, other channels with a large audience are also suitable for advertising and promotion. On the Internet, everything is easier and more effective, because there is no need to waste time on trips and meetings. And in-person meetings are held in order to give people extra motivation, extra energy.
 There is a principle of "three 3s". It boils down to telling three people close to you about the project first, and then each of them will tell three other people. And so it goes in each of the 3s. That's how you can effectively share information. And the emphasis is put on three things, too: 
 1. The project will help solve a lot of problems in the world.
 2. It will give financial freedom to people.
 3. It will help get rid of smog and deal with global challenges.
 I believe, for example, that my daughter will have a better life than me. And I am glad that as part of SOLARGROUP I can participate in solving the issues that the planet and humanity are facing.
 I also believe that any person can be a professional. Not necessarily in a suit and tie. This person can be a farmer, for example. A professional is the one who invests their time and gets the result.
 Becoming the national partner for me is like winning a gold medal. I couldn't expect such attention and recognition from the management.