Teaching = learning | Partner Work Methodology

Teaching = learning | Partner Work Methodology

Doing partner business? Imagine you've already got a partner in your structure. Now it's your job to explain to him/her what to do. It's in your best interest to help them become successful, then you'll earn more.

To make it easier for you, let's highlight three things you should pay attention to when working with your partner:

• Duplication
• Training
• Support

Duplication is the repetition of actions spreading deep into the structure. The best thing you can do for a partner is to show them what you do, give simple explanations and the mechanics of how things work. Exactly like this: you show your new partner how you act, they try it again and ask you questions. Where and how do you find customers, investors and partners? How and where do you share information? How do you help a customer through registration, verification, buying an investment package, etc.? All these actions are repeated by your partner, guided by you. You're a role model for them.

Teaching is what you say about your actions and other actions available to your partner. Keep it simple! Explain it the way it's happening for you. The best way to learn something and consolidate your knowledge is to try to teach another. That's right: teaching = learning. When you explain something to your partner, you learn yourself. Feedback from your partner, their questions to you are an opportunity to see yourself from the outside and fix your gaps and missteps. Use the flowchart, here are the 4 steps that will help you teach and learn:

• Imagine explaining an idea to a sixth grade pupil.
• Find flaws in your explanation. Go back to the source material to understand it better.
• Try to streamline and simplify the explanation.
• Now speak up!

Support is first and foremost interest and attention to a partner, not just answering questions. Show a partner that business is not just about actions and commercial success, but about relations between people based on mutual respect, trust and common interests. Show empathy, praise for achievements, discuss doubts, don't be afraid to show your vulnerability. That's what a true leader does!

Since you have a partner in your structure, you are the leader of your structure. And you know where to look for more information on how to be a leader - in "Partner Work Methodology".