Leader: yesterday and now

Leader: yesterday and now

YESTERDAY: you were trained to show leadership qualities

NOW: you are taught a culture of trust and respect

YESTERDAY: you were taught to demonstrate that you are capable of handling any task on your own

NOW: you learn to understand that high and sustainable results can only be achieved in a team

YESTERDAY: you were taught to be responsible for your business and to manage people by yourself 

NOW: you learn how to distribute responsibility among the participants and manage yourself

YESTERDAY: a leader was a perfectionist

NOW: a leader learns to see the strengths and weaknesses of each team member - and puts that knowledge to good use

YESTERDAY: leadership is when you can make everyone think the way you do

NOW: leadership is when everyone is different, and you can make different people work together

A complementary team is central to the modern concept of leadership. It has strengths and weaknesses, just as it should. Strength: different people contribute different points of view to each other. Weakness: different opinions can lead to conflicts. How do you overcome the weakness? Create an atmosphere of trust and respect. If you get a mere nod at a business or team meeting, it's not what you need. If people share their opinion with you, which is different from yours - congratulations, you have succeeded in creating the right atmosphere!

Immanuel Kant: "Respect is the other person's recognition of your sovereign right to be different."

Another strength of a complementary team: it handles crisis situations faster through mutual support. Weakness: a leader does not tell you what to do. How do you overcome the weakness? In a really high risk situation, a leader should take responsibility for shared decisions and thus become a role model. In a team with such a leader, no one wastes time looking for someone to blame; everyone gets involved in solving the problem by following their leader.

These are not all the strengths of the modern concept of leadership and not all the solutions for tackling weaknesses. After all, it is interesting for a modern leader to develop and create conditions for constant development in the team. We offer our partners and every project participant interested in partner business and team building to study the "Partner Work Methodology" - a training tool, which we supplement and enhance with relevant and useful content.

The Methodology is available in the back office.

Let's develop together!