I want to be rich! What should I eat?

I want to be rich! What should I eat?

Stories about what rich people eat are common on the web. And everyone has long known that it's not black or white caviar, truffles and "Frrozen Haute Chocolate" (ice cream with edible gold, $ 25,000 a serving) for dessert at all. Elon Musk likes chocolate bars and fries, Bill Gates eats cheeseburgers, and Jeff Bezos likes yogurt with garlic.

Have you concluded that food doesn't help a person become successful? You're wrong, it does help!

If you're doing business already or going to do it, your biggest enemy is cortisol. Cortisol is the kind of thing in your body that is useful in small amounts and mobilizes your reserves, gives you energy for a short time, it is the "stress hormone". And with chronic stress and constant anxiety, which are almost unavoidable in business, it's cortisol that prevents you from calming down, creates more and more stress in your body, increases inflammation and triggers a whole series of unpleasant symptoms. Cortisol causes you to make bad decisions, give up on your prospects, become nervous and irritable - and mess up your communication with people.

You must have heard that it's common to "comfort-eat", might have done so yourself, and blame yourself for your lack of self-control? It turns out that it is possible and even necessary to "comfort-eat". Food psychology experts tell you: you're fine, eat your fill! Just think about this: there are foods that lower your cortisol levels, and there are foods that raise them.

So, here's what they recommend to eat to learn how to manage stress and reduce anxiety:

• Foods rich in vitamin B: beef, chicken, eggs, cereal;
• Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids: anchovies, avocados, herring, olives, walnuts, sardines;
• Foods rich in magnesium: bananas, broccoli, dark chocolate, pumpkin, spinach;
• Protein-rich foods: almonds, lentils, peanuts, tuna, shrimp;
• Fermented foods, the most beneficial for your colon: yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut.

If you urgently need to calm down and focus on important things, choose foods with magnesium: eat a banana, chew some dark chocolate or pumpkin seeds. And not these foods, because they will aggravate your stress and prolong it:

• Alcohol;
• More than five cups of coffee a day;
• Cakes, pies, pastries, carbonated drinks and other foods high in sugar and simple carbohydrates.

What about Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos with their chocolate bars, cheeseburgers, fries and garlic? It's simple about them: they have more ways to take care of themselves that they won't tell us about! Taking care of yourself is a complex of daily and simple actions, and your diet and eating habits are only part of it. It's worth starting with the simplest things, with food, for example, and gradually pick up habits that will make you energetic and attentive to detail - and you'll be surprised how much you'll want and be able to accomplish. The road to success starts with small things!