8 ways to maintain productivity in all conditions

8 ways to maintain productivity in all conditions

The events we experience can be described as stressful. We constantly have to meet deadlines, calculate risks, respond to challenges, combine the incompatible. The state of stress and anxiety has ceased to leave many of us even for a short time.

But we have responsibilities, we need strength, energy, and focus to deal with them. What can each of us do for ourselves to maintain our bodies and maintain our performance at an acceptable level? There are some simple ways to get your body under control.

Experts say that the positive effect of stress lasts about 30 minutes. At this time the body turns on the "survival mode". For example, if your boss informs you about an urgent task, and you cope with it within 30 minutes - great, you do it at your maximum potential. But a stressful situation and disturbing circumstances can last a whole day, a week or more. And after the first 30 minutes, stress begins to take its toll on us, and our performance inevitably decreases.

What should you do?

1. Try to focus on one task at a time. Do not keep many tabs open at once. You can enjoy multitasking at your comfort level. And when you're stressed, it's better to close your work chat, email and news. It is preferable to allocate a certain amount of time during the day for each activity, such as browsing the news.
2. Try not to leave things unfinished. If you've already started working on one task, it's better to take breaks but complete it rather than switch to an easier one. That way you will be less anxious. And there will be a reason to praise yourself!
3. Don't forget to take breaks. Your body says it's time to rest, and you have only been working for 15 minutes? Listen to your body, it' s right when you're stressed. Stand up, move around, look out the window, take a few deep breaths. Are you feeling more relaxed now? You can go back to work.
4. Remind yourself of the importance of your business. For example, you are a partner of SOLARGROUP. Think about how much good the project you're involved in will do for the planet and all the people in the world.
5. Don't try to work miracles. It's hard for perfectionists, but it's best to think about the fact that your capabilities are not limitless. Right now you won't solve all the global problems, and you won't get everything done in one day. But you can develop professional burnout. To avoid this, indicate which tasks you can set aside for tomorrow. And set them aside for tomorrow. That way you'll do well what you have to do today.
6. Don't be afraid to appear vulnerable. It's never too late to learn to talk out loud about your difficulties and admit that you need support or help with something, and now is the perfect time for that. Don't think about what you look like in that moment, just try it. People around you will thank you for it. Because they are just as afraid of appearing weak.
7. To absolve yourself of responsibility. Yes, you will not rid the world of all problems. Not today, anyway. "This is not my area of responsibility," "No, unfortunately I can't take this task right now" are amazing words that are hard to say, but you'd better try to use them, at least in times of stress. Your main task is to take care of yourself and do what you can do.
8. Let yourself enjoy it. You haven't saved the world today. But you've dealt with a difficult task, even though you're under stress. You deserve your favorite music/ delicious food/ taking a bath/ massage/ communication with nice people - something simple that makes you feel good. This will give you more energy than all of the above items.

Share in the comments the ways that help you cope with stress and stay productive today!