Do you know how to relax?

Do you know how to relax?

If you don't even remember what rest is, you can always look up the definition: rest is time off work, necessary to restore your energy and bring your body back to a state of efficiency. No, rest is not a shift in activity, as Academician Pavlov argued, it is doing nothing.

Academician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov is a wonderful man, a great scientist, he created the science of higher nervous activity. He only completed his scientific journey at the beginning of the twentieth century, since then science has had time to step forward. But many people still believe that rest is a change of activity. And not just do not rest, but often do not know what they need to do for it.

Finished your day's work and gone to do your house cleaning? No, you haven't regained your energy and haven't rested. Finished a challenging negotiation - and started cooking your favorite dish to clear your mind? No, you haven't rested or cleared your mind.

Finished the main work for the day, completed the extra work, helped everyone who needed it - and finally went to bed? It's closer, but still not the same.

It turns out that to be effective and successful in any area of activity, a person needs as many as seven types of recreation. It is hardly possible to combine so much at once, you should not turn your rest time into another difficult task. All you need to increase your work efficiency is to come to a state of peace and comfort while resting. Rest physically, emotionally, mentally and sensorially.

• What do you mean by resting physically? To sleep, to lie on the couch. But not just that! For example, it's not always enough when you have been overexerted for a long period of time. Spa treatments, massages, baths, yoga, any relaxing practice that gives you pleasure will also help you regain your energy and efficiency.

• What do you mean by resting mentally? This is what "clearing your mind" is. It's especially important for people who are constantly engaged in intellectual and analytical activities. Often, even when they go to bed, they continue to think about and analyze the upcoming tasks. Go for a walk in the middle of the day, admire the scenery, listen to relaxing music, hug a loved one or cuddle with a cat/dog/rabbit - there are options, choose what really helps you to say "stop" to the flow of your thoughts.

• What do you mean by resting emotionally? Get rid of the feelings and experiences that cause stress. It's especially important in business, where everyone is used to keeping their emotions under control. A sincere conversation with someone in whose presence you feel comfortable and at ease will help. Or a writing practice - vent your emotions when writing, record a message on a voice recorder, talk about your grievances, negative feelings, fears. If you choose talking to a someone (and he or she is not a professional psychologist) to release your emotions, it should be someone from whom you will get unconditional support. This is the point of emotional rest - to achieve a state of peace and joy.

• What do you mean by resting sensorially? Things are simpler here. Be alone with yourself, put aside your gadgets. You're constantly watching and listening to something, you're overloaded with information, close your eyes, stay in silence for a while.

Very often people are guided in their work by the behavior of their managers/leaders. When they constantly perform miracles of efficiency, everyone risks quickly reaching professional burnout in such a team. So if you already have a team, be a good example to them and remind them of the importance of quality recreation for business success!