What the right forethought leads to | The story of partner Anand Roy

What the right forethought leads to | The story of partner Anand Roy

My name is Anand Roy and I am the partner of SOLARGROUP in India.
I have a degree in electrical engineering. I served in the Indian armed forces for many years. I also worked for a futures fund.

I was told about SOLARGROUP by my service colleague. We did the calculations together. I was interested in investments, I wanted to know how I could change my life in 5-6 years, what the income would be. I started as an investor and became a partner in 2019. I bought my first $800 investment package and it took me 10 months to repay the installment plan.
Then I started working as a partner. I watched webinars every Sunday and got to know the company's top partners in India. This is how I met Birdi Gulshan Kumar (the national partner of SOLARGROUP in India) and started to actively engage in the partner program under his guidance. Birdi's advice to me was the following: start with your fellow servicemen and colleagues in the fund. And this makes a very large number of contacts! I needed to talk about the partner program and the opportunities to influence your future.

I started looking for people, including on social media, who were interested in investing in countries other than India. At first I didn't know how it all worked, so I used my wife's id. I had a lot of face-to-face meetings!
Birdi suggested making short videos for presentations. I created videos and distributed information among my colleagues. Thanks to my education, it was easy for me to explain to people the advantages of the technology, to tell them about the changes that the spread of these motors will pave the way for in the future.
I used every opportunity: sharing information about the company at trade fairs, placing ads in newspapers. And I got 70 partners right away! 80% of the people to whom I'd made an offer signed a contract with me. So I opened an office where people started coming in, and I gave presentations to them.

I now have more than 300 people in my structure, with over 20 members in the first line. I work 7-8 hours a day and have no other employment.
Each of my days consists of a large number of tasks. I get a list from Birdi with about 250 people on it. These are people interested in the project and having overdue installment payments. Each of them needs to be contacted. In addition, I prepare presentations, check all updates in the back office and and pass them on to my team via the other channels. We make a numbered list of further steps, discuss all the issues and create a general plan with those partners who we can meet for tea.
I would say this: 80% of all the information I need for my work I get from the back office, the rest - from Birdi. We talk on the phone every day; it's important to me to get tasks firsthand.

I think I attract new partners with my competent calculations. After all, I was interested myself in first becoming an investor and then watching my income grow thanks to the partner program. And I am sharing my story! I am telling people how my life has changed over a year. SOLARGROUP is the only company that allows people to earn good profit from the partner program. When I explain it, I compare it to bank and other financial offers. And so the benefits become obvious to people. It should also be taken into account that my education gives me an advantage. 30-45 minutes to present the motors and the company's work, then a second meeting two days later, and my offer is accepted.

You have to be very attentive to people, accurate in your calculations. Every person has a lot of questions, and they should always be answered honestly. For example, for a while there were very common questions about when the internal exchange would open and when there would be an official representative office in India.
A lot of attention needs to be paid to the investor base. To remind about the installment plans, to tackle all technical and financial difficulties, to speak about the opportunities to increase investment packages and other profitable actions. Most people need to contacted by phone. When there are 300 partners, you need help to keep in touch with everyone. My brother helps me in my office.
It was initially important to me to make sure that the other members of my family were making money as well. Once I myself made sure that it was profitable to cooperate with the company, I shared it with my family. I was completely supported! And now we're all making good money. I am very grateful to the company for this opportunity.

I think we have a level playing field. I don't look at people's age or character at all. I'm just telling them what I have to. I'm asked questions, and I'm driven by the needs of the person. I managed to find partners even in my village. For example, in India, when military servicemen retire, they get payments and usually look for ways to invest their money, in this case I act as a financial advisor.
I have a rule: if there's a person within 3 meters, I'll talk to him or her. That's how I once even managed to find an investor on an airplane. Activity is the main motivator in our business. People see that the company is active, and this is important for new investors and partners, as well as for those who have been in the structure for a long time. I love inviting people to parks, cafes, for a cup of tea. My partners and I went to Nepal for a few days to relax and discuss business issues. Personal emotional involvement is what it takes to stay motivated at work.

The most important thing: to build a system of work with the existing partners. Because new investors arrive through them. And we agreed with my team and not only that we needed seminars all over the country. People in every state should have an opportunity to learn about the company.

It is important to set goals and achieve them. A year ago, I set a goal for myself to achieve the "Professional" status. I needed two of my partners to become "Experts" for this. And we did it!
I'm constantly working on my partner structure, and I'm always looking for people who have the drive to attract other people. I am ready to pass on my knowledge to such people!