Installments paid 100%: why and how to motivate customers to pay them in full

Installments paid 100%: why and how to motivate customers to pay them in full

After selling an investment package in installments, your work with the customer does not end — it only begins. Because both the project funding and your remuneration depend on actual payments and on investors paying installments.

Currently, about 34% of all investments in the project are kept in cancelled installment plans, that is, investors have stopped making payments on them. One of the most important tasks of each partner is to motivate customers to pay installments on time and in full. Working with installments refers to the last stage of sales or post-sale support. The professionalism of a partner consists in finalizing work with each customer, not just looking for new investors.

To do this, follow this procedure.

Step 1. Explain the benefits

When selling a package, explain to the customer his or her benefits from the full repayment of the installment plan. It consists in the fact that only after making the last payment, the investor receives about two-thirds of the total number of shares in the package.
There is one more reason to pay installments in full. When each investor realizes how important his or her contribution to the project is, and takes the commitments responsibly:
the project will attract the target amount of crowdfunding,
these funds will be used to complete the construction and put the "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department into operation,
the enterprise will be able to start operating, and the investors will receive dividends from its profits.

Step 2. Share information about the promo offers

Be aware of the current installment plan offers and tell your customer about them so he or she can get even more shares.
Here they are.
Bonus of 5% shares for timely payment of installments —
"Double Payment" —
"Early Repayment" —
By taking advantage of these offers, the investor will significantly increase the number of his or her investment shares in the project, without paying anything over the initial amount for the package.

Step 3. Work with overdue payments

The back office has all the tools for this.
The list of your customers is displayed in the "For Partners" section - "Structure". Set "Overdue payment" in the filter and you will see who of them has overdue installment payments. To recap, after the payment date set in the installment plan schedule expires, the investor has another 19 calendar days to make the payment. If he or she does not do this, the installment plan will be cancelled, and it will be quite difficult to restore it.

Your task is the following: after noticing that the customer has overdue payments, quickly contact him or her and inform about it (you can find the customer's contacts in the same section). Remind the customer why it is profitable to pay the installment in full. Most likely, he or she has forgotten about the deadlines or does not understand why the installment should be paid in full, if the shares are credited anyway.

If the customer is struggling financially to pay the installment, support him or her, offer a way to solve the problem: tell about the partner program, give a functioning plan of action to begin with and keep in touch in the future.
Follow this procedure and you will not only increase your income, but also help customers to invest more profitably, as well as accelerate the project implementation!