What is an ecosystem in business

What is an ecosystem in business

Why do people not stick around in some companies, despite the good pay, but in others they work enthusiastically and achieve great results? It's all about environmental attitude!

Environmental terms began to be used to describe business back in the 1990s.

In the twentieth century, the end ("death") of certain phenomena was very often proclaimed. So Ludwig Wittgenstein "buried" philosophy, Roland Barthes "buried" the author, Nietzsche "buried" God. And the XX century ended with the fact that the competition was "buried - James F. Moore wrote the book "The Death of Competition," where he suggested that business should be viewed as an ecosystem in which each participant's "life" was conditionally dependent on the "life" of the other.

Since then, business has been compared to the natural environment, finding analogies and mastering ecological metaphors. This path proved to be productive and continues to this day. If we consider business and the economic community at large as a set of mutually supportive parties, the focus shifts to mutual benefit.

Today, the business ecosystem includes another important concept: the ecology of relations. It may seem that with the introduction of new terms, the matter becomes more complicated. However, the opposite is happening: it becomes possible to adapt any business to the modern demands of society, changing only the field of communication.

Let's look at some simple examples. Sale: to sell means to help the client solve their problem. Partner: to collaborate means to share practices and help apply effective tools. Employee: to work means to exercise your abilities and improve the company's performance. Leader: to manage means to be responsible, to be a role model and to support those who have less opportunities than you.

You must agree, shifting the focus to everyone's benefit and mutual support is a godsend to increasing motivation in business. It is not for nothing that the term "ecology of relationships" was introduced by the NTRS High School of Relations, which dealt with the problem of so-called "staff starvation": the phenomenon where companies have nothing to retain employees, and the latter change jobs constantly. And now the best offer in business sounds something like this: "Hello! You will develop with us."

Special attention in a business ecosystem is paid to feedback. Today, having a complex hierarchy in companies and a commitment to status among management is becoming bad form. Roughly speaking, business is more efficient if the positions of a leader and a follower change situationally between the manager and the subordinate. For example, when a subordinate offers a more productive solution or has a better understanding of some issue, the manager acknowledges this and does not insist on his or her approach. Hierarchical boundaries are erased, managers and subordinates communicate on equal terms. Fortunately, the communication system has developed so much that it is almost impossible for any person to remain untouchable.

Let every business participant (from a cleaner to a top manager) prioritize personal gain and have an advisory voice – and a miracle will happen. The employee will become interested in what will happen to them personally in this particular business structure, they will become personally interested in the workflow.

The need for an ecosystem in business is criticized, though rarely. The criticism is based on the fact that in large companies it is quite difficult to maintain the ecology of relations at all levels, a company must have a very developed ideology to ensure that. However, companies like SOLARGROUP are emerging, bringing together thousands of people around the world who share these values. Such companies prove by their deeds that business is an opportunity for everyone, it is a way to fulfill a dream for any person.

The world is changing for the better, and today it is no longer possible to divide people into more valuable and less valuable. Mutual support is part of the global ecosystem. And businesses can't be left out.