與公司一起建立成功事業 SOLARGROUP
The company SOLARGROUP
SOLARGROUP is a new generation international finance company doing business in the field of crowdinvesting.
有了集體投資機制和廣泛合作夥伴網路的幫忙,SOLARGROUP 發起「Duyunov 馬達」專案集資。
Partner program
合作夥伴方案算是一種介於 SOLARGROUP 和主動投資人之間的商業合作模式,後者想要透過贊助 SOLARGROUP 開發案,從中獲利。
If you have a proactive attitude to life, want to do something useful, be part of a large community and seek for an honest and mutually beneficial cooperation — start doing business with SOLARGROUP today.

- 不用投入個人資金,您可以協助推廣專案,從中賺取介紹費。
- 會馬上自動將推薦人報酬計入您的後台帳戶中
- 會將推薦人報酬計入貨幣條款中,可以使用信用卡或付款系統的電子錢包來提領
- 至於個別受邀的投資人和合作夥伴,則沒有設限
- 系統會自動變更合作夥伴狀態
- 單筆提領下限為$50
合作夥伴可透過 SOLARGROUP 推廣專案集資來賺錢,並從他/她的推薦作業,領取推薦人報酬,隨時都能領取這筆款項。

- 請至後台完成合夥協議書簽署。
- 把專案介紹給認識的人。
- 投入此工作,從中賺取介紹費。

Tell your friends and acquaintances about the project "Duyunov's motors" and earn your first referral remuneration. -
Place advertisements on the Internet and get remuneration for each attracted customer. -
Have a lot of friends in social media, a frequently viewed website or a YouTube channel? Tell your subscribers about the project "Duyunov's motors" and earn money from it. -
Are you an MLM leader?
Have a structure in another company? Tell them about the project "Duyunov's motors" and start earning more!
Every partner has access to
You will get:
- Upgraded partner status
- 區域營業額之外,還有額外介紹費
- 有機會代表公司對外發言
來自世界各地的 SOLARGROUP 專案代表辦事處

The partner program is a good reason to share information about the project "Duyunov's motors" with your friends, acquaintances and colleagues, and get referral remuneration as a result.
If you get engaged in it professionally, the partner program will become your main source of income and the extensive partner network will bring unlimited passive income.