73 000
投資人 -
20 500
合作夥伴 -
participating in the project

Anyone can invest
投資「Duyunov 馬達」專案會吸引到群眾集資,也稱為群募。這表示推動專案的資金主要來自中小企業投資人。
Today any person from any country can become the project investor and get a share in the innovative business. The investors can count on part of the company's profit in dividends or earn profit from capitalization.
Thanks to modern technology and a convenient back office, these investments are convenient, safe and suitable even for beginner investors.
「Duyunov 馬達」專案對投資人意味著:
What does the investor get?
「Duyunov 馬達」專案投資人會成為創新企業的共同持有人,可以領取企業份額。
Rights of the project investors are legally protected by the investment agreement and certificate stating the number of purchased shares.
After successful implementation of the project, the investors will be able to get profit the amount of which depends on the number of purchased shares.

How will the investor earn profit?
投資人擁有 49% 的 Sovelmash 創新中心,贊助今日的專案。
Besides, if the project is successfully implemented, the investors will be able to get part of the company's revenue: they will be paid 50% of the profit allocated for the dividends.

- Capitalization of your equity
- 賺取股利
Why should you invest today?
Today you can purchase the company's shares at a price that is much lower than their potential nominal value. It is possible thanks to the discount the investor gets for their investment risk.