The team is your path to success | SOLARGROUP experts recommend

The team is your path to success | SOLARGROUP experts recommend

Hello there! My name is Pavel Shadskiy. In SOLARGROUP I worked my way up from a beginner partner to the "Professional" status, then became the head of partner network, and then reached the position of commercial director. Over the course of my professional journey, I have gained valuable experience that I am happy to share with you.

Today, I'm going to walk you through the key aspects of creating and managing a team of partners that will help you effectively achieve your goals and develop your business. I want you to understand the value of a team for a partner. And I'll show you some simple steps for working with a team that everyone can replicate. We show these steps to partners in different countries during trainings, they repeat them in their practice - and always get positive results.

Are you ready to delve into the world of team collaboration? Then let's get started!

Why would a partner need a team?

Switching from personal sales to working in a team provides a partner with new opportunities for growth, leads to expansion of potential and good performance in sales. Working in a team makes it possible to pool resources, share knowledge and experience, distribute roles and expertise, gain motivation and support from colleagues, as well as achieve synergy and improve overall efficiency.

How do you create a team?

The process of creating a team involves 4 steps:

1. Create an expert image on social media. Make an appealing profile and post information about the company. You can share the news and events directly from the back office, using referral links.

2. Invite your friends. Reach out personally to your friends and colleagues who may be interested in teamwork. Explain the advantages of partner business in SOLARGROUP. Emphasise that the skills and experience of your friends and colleagues are valuable to the team and talk about the opportunities for growth and development they will get.

3. Invite partners from other companies. If you have partners or contacts in other companies, invite them to join your team. Highlight the opportunities and mutual benefits that will arise from your cooperation.

4. Inform current customers about partner business opportunities. If you have a customer base, tell them about the opportunities your company offers. Explain how they can use the partner program to earn extra income and pay for investment packages. Provide clear information about the process: how to sign the partnership agreement, get a checklist of partner actions, get access to all the tools, start earning, etc. Motivate your current customers to recommend your services to their friends.

How do you manage a team?

Team management is the second stage of teamwork. Complete the following 4 steps:

1. Identify or set team goals. Make sure the goals are clear and understood by everyone on your team. These goals should be ambitious but achievable, and should align with each team member's individual goals.

2. Hold regular group meetings. At the meetings, discuss progress with the team, share information and coordinate actions. Group meetings help to plan and clarify current tasks, discuss problems and find joint solutions, and foster the spirit of teamwork and cooperation.

3. Keep track of the results. Use the analytics features of the back office to track your team's performance. Analyse data regularly and discuss it with the team to identify areas for improvement and adjust the strategy if necessary.

4. Focus on recognition of achievements. It's important to recognise and acknowledge the progress and achievements of each member of your team to keep them motivated and continue to make progress towards the set goals. Give encouragement not only for achievements, but also for attempts, even if they do not produce the expected result.

Don't forget that building and managing a team of partners requires continuous efforts. By performing simple actions systematically, you will be able to adjust them based on your experience. A detailed compilation of partner actions can be found in the checklist.

I wish you success on this exciting journey!