On the threshold of construction start of "SovElMash" innovative center: background

On the threshold of construction start of "SovElMash" innovative center: background

All the participants of the project "Duyunov's motors" are looking forward to one thing now: the construction start of the innovative center on the territory of "Technopolis "Moscow".

The last obstacle to this is the state expert review of the architectural and construction project that has been delayed for six months due to the coronavirus pandemic. Dmitriy Duyunov reassured everyone: it is possible that the audit will have been completed by the end of spring.

Let's look back at how preparation for the construction was carried out. This process can be compared to a running race in which Duyunov's team demonstrated all the endurance, patience and professional skills they had.

May 2017. Project start. From the very beginning, the company "SovElMash" set an ambitious goal: to become a resident of the special economic zone and build a design and engineering department (D3333E) on the territory of "Technopolis "Moscow". In accordance with this, the project for the future D3333E was prepared.

December 2017. A package of documents was prepared to apply for a resident status in the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow". Among the other things, it contained preliminary project documentation for the future engineering center: the architectural and urban planning solutions, the site layout, and the main power supply.

For the whole year, the state expert commission thoroughly checked all the documents the candidates for getting the SEZ resident status had submitted. Contrasted to this period, the state expert review does not seem so long.

December 2018. The application for entering the special economic zone was approved. The interdepartmental commission of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city of Moscow approved the entry of "SovElMash" into the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" on the "Alabushevo" site. The project team began preparing documents for signing the future contract, adjusting the construction schedules and cost estimates.

February 2019. "SovElMash" officially became a resident of the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow". The agreement between the companies was signed on February 15 at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi. Obtaining the resident status entailed an additional amount of work: the search and approval of the general contractor, suppliers of construction materials, shaping the preliminary project terms of reference for the construction of the future design and engineering department.

The preliminary project specifications are an important and long document, so detailed that it displays not only the floor plan and the location of work areas, but also the arrangement of equipment and furniture.

June 2019. "SovElMash", "Technopolis "Moscow" and the general contractor's company signed a trilateral partnership agreement. The next important stage began: the general contractor started preparing the architectural and construction project based on the preliminary project specifications developed by "SovElMash".
At the end of June, a project visualizing the future innovative center was presented. According to it, the main facility of the building will consist of 2 parts: the administration and amenity part and the production part.
Viktor Zhuravlev, the chief engineer at "SovElMash", spoke about it in detail in the video available here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzizmGmOxXM3333t=219s

July 2019. The lease agreement for the land plot was registered in Rosreestr (the Federal Service for State Registration).
The lease term under the agreement is 49 years, and "SovElMash" has the right to buy the land plot.

The event gave an official start to the construction of the innovative center.
Preparation of the site began: it was cleared of vegetation, the fence was erected. However, to begin construction of the building itself, it was necessary to prepare an architectural and construction project and submit it to the Moscow expert review department. It took six months.
In fact, the team of "SovElMash" together with the general contractor performed complex work that is usually carried out by entire institutions: they shaped a unique, rather than a standard project for the construction of a design and engineering department from scratch.

December 2019. In the last days of the outgoing year, the project documentation and results of engineering surveys were submitted for state expert review. There project is carefully checked there for compliance with a variety of requirements including technical, sanitary and epidemiological and environmental standards. It is determined whether the future innovative center meets the standards of industrial safety and is protected against terrorism. Special attention is paid to checking the reliability of the project budget.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the state expert review procedure does not exceed 42 working days. But due to a number of factors, including the coronavirus pandemic, the audit has been delayed for 5 months. While waiting, "SovElMash" employees do not rest on their oars, but continue to work diligently: they make adjustments in accordance with the experts' comments, and are taking every effort to bring the finish of this marathon closer. All the work is done remotely, via e-mail, telephone, and video conferencing.

If "SovElMash" receives a clean report based on the inspection results, the path to the construction will be finally clear.
According to the plan, the construction of "SovElMash" innovative center will take 2 years. Then the equipment will be installed and pre-commissioning will be carried out.
At the final stage before opening the D3333E department, there will be another inspection carried out by the regulatory authorities in order to get permission to put the building into operation.

Thus, successful completion of the state expert review will be another key event that minimizes the project's risks and gets it to the home straight. Most likely, this will be followed by a change in the investment stage and a reduction in the discount on the investment shares. Invest with maximum profit now at the current stage 13!