What is diplomacy in business

What is diplomacy in business

In the conventional sense, diplomacy is considered an ethical personal quality that allows a person to solve complex or problematic issues with persuasive arguments and a demonstration of respect for the interlocutor's position.
 It's a very useful quality in business. We all engage in conversations and negotiations with a lot of people. Each of us is interested in initiating and maintaining contact with other people in a productive way. It is believed that the bigger and more diverse a person's social circle, the better his or her ability to analyze and think critically is developed.
 It is often said that impulsive people, though being fairly bad at choosing words, tell the truth and what is really on their mind. That's why they can be trusted. It's not really so.
  1.  An impulsive person tends to change their position and hurries to express it. Such people soon want to take back the words of truth that he or she said so sincerely yesterday, and begin to accuse everyone around of misunderstanding them.
  2.  The means of any language, including Russian, give each person a huge choice of how to say the same thing in different ways and to different audiences. An impulsive person most likely has not mastered this tools.
  3.  An impulsive person doesn't seem to care what kind of reaction his or her words elicit. This is either a lie or dishonesty. If a person is not talking to himself or herself, there will be a reaction and a response to their words. If these are negative, it means that a person meant to provoke a negative reaction, or he or she does not care about the person they are talking to.
 That is, there are not many reasons to trust an impulsively expressed position.
 On the contrary, a diplomatically expressed position makes it possible to turn even an acute situation into a topic for discussion. Being diplomatic means anticipating your interlocutor's reaction and being one step ahead in negotiations. It can be an art, a developed skill, or an innate ability. In any case, everyone can master the basic rules.
 If we consider diplomacy in business in an exaggerated way, then all the rules can be boiled down to one, apply it and over time learn to conduct any conversations and negotiations more effectively. This is the rule: there should be more pleasant things in your speech. Divide words and topics, depending on context, into two categories: attractive (attractants) / repulsive (repellants, stop words). You can talk about anything, but make sure that there are more topics and words that are pleasant to the person you are talking to than those that are unpleasant for him or her to hear right now.
 Getting your idea across and negotiating is easier if you choose nice language and appropriate wording. And avoid touching unpleasant topics without a direct need.
 For your conversation with a person or negotiation with a group of people to be successful, you should try to make sure that in your speech and in each statement the attractant words (attractive, pleasant) and topics that can be attributed to this category prevail over repellants (repulsive, unpleasant). If possible, repellants should be avoided altogether or kept to a minimum. If you set yourself this limit, over time it will become a habit and your speech will be more tactful, you will automatically find the right words.
 And then anyone, even if you share different opinions and key positions, will have the impression that you are a good person to deal with. He or she will be favourably disposed towards you, attracted to you. 
 As we can see, the secret of diplomacy in business is simple. The art of diplomacy begins with self-control and respect for the interlocutor.
 We wish you to be successful and effective in any business negotiations at all times!