Partner program. Lifehack | Partner Work Methodology

Partner program. Lifehack | Partner Work Methodology

Are you 100 % confident in the project? Dear friend, that's not good.

Don't go 100, go 80.

We once had a partner named Anton. He believed that one should always show 100 % confidence in everything. Even in what you don't know for sure.

A customer asked Anton, "Do you sell "Duyunov's motors"?"

And Anton replied, "Of course we do!"

What else can a partner in the project "Duyunov's motors" sell?

Just in case, the right answer is:

The company's main product is investment shares in the business. Partners can only sell this product.

Anton would have easily found the right answer too if he switched confidence to 80%.

Having 80% confidence is useful because:

• It helps to argue the point. Why look for arguments when you're 100% sure you're right. And if you doubt a little, you start looking for proof of your words to convince yourself and convince another.

• It gives you time to analyse. Don't immediately answer a question you're asked for the first time. Give yourself time to check and analyse the information. You can say that to the customer, "I'll clarify this for you and get back to you with an answer."

• It develops critical thinking. It will come in handy in future communications with the customer.

Try checking yourself with the "Partner Work Methodology" for starters. There are scripts for answering questions from customers about the project and SOLARGROUP. Even when you're 100% sure you know the right answer, why not check? It's nice to be able to say to yourself sometimes, "I was right!"