Corporate culture - what is it and why?

Corporate culture - what is it and why?

Every company has rules and regulations that are enshrined in corporate documents. And there are also those that are not recorded anywhere, but are established implicitly and respected by all. Both are part of the corporate culture. Only corporate documents have a name and can be read verbally, while the unspoken rules usually remain at the level of "we do it this way / we don't do it that way". Unspoken rules are more difficult to "read," but they are necessarily consistent with the values prescribed in corporate documents, and do not conflict with them.

What do companies need this for? In a nutshell - to create a healthy environment, a productive working atmosphere where everyone is comfortable. It is no coincidence that the core of any corporate culture is common values. Let us recall the basic ones: human life (and personal development, accordingly), nature (protecting the environment, accordingly), freedom and law. The main function of corporate culture is to protect and consolidate these values at all levels.

Theoretically, there are only four types of corporate culture. But there are more and more types of man-made entities, and the types of culture blend with each other, ceasing to exist in their pure form. This is where the most interesting part begins. Blending corporate cultures is the way to create a dream company. For example, most modern companies that have been on the market for a long time are characterized by a market culture type, while startups are characterized by adhocracy.

Let's have a look at their pros and cons. The market culture type is good because employees are very motivated, as companies have developed many tools to keep them highly motivated. And the plagues are high competition, a constant risk of strong leadership leading to a complicated hierarchy, which means that the best initiatives coming from nonleaders may go unnoticed.

The adhocratic culture type is characterized by initiative, freedom, responsibility, openness and dedication to a common cause among all participants, because it is formed when companies are just entering the market with their innovative product. This type of culture is good for almost everyone: the leader in startups is close to his subordinates, there is not much competition among employees, and the best initiatives are pursued. It's good for everything, except for one thing: it ends sooner or later. When the situation that gave rise to the project is resolved, the project either disappears along with its beautiful culture, or acquires all the features of the market type.

Preserving only the benefits of two types of corporate culture is not an easy task. However, there are companies that still manage to do this: to make everyone happy - employees, partners, investors. SOLARGROUP is one of these companies. A company of the future, where the interests of all team members are taken into account. We believe that the example of our corporate culture can inspire many!