Tests of Duyunov's technology

Tests of Duyunov's technology

One of the most popular questions to the project concerns the practical validation of Duyunov's technology's efficiency.
Meanwhile, for the period of twenty years during which Dmitriy Alexandrovich has been working on the technology, a lot of tests have been held that prove the the efficiency of "Slavyanka" technology applied in absolutely different areas. The research data is freely available.

We have already written about the well-known tests of the technology at the University of Bologna - /news/posts/testirovanie-motorov-so-slavyankoi-v-bolonskom-universitete-690
and University Düsseldorf - /news/posts/testirovanie-motorov-so-slavyankoi-v-dyusseldorfskom-universitete-691

Let's look back and remember the other tests of Duyunov's technology:

Testing the motors with "Slavyanka" at a rock quarry in Belgrad

In 2015 a Serbian company D.O.O. «Savian» received a 15 kW induction electric motor with a burnt winding. The motor owner, the company D.O.O. Kuevo, ordered complete motor repair and changing the winding type from the standard to the patented combination of "star-delta".
As a result of using the energy saving technology "Slavyanka" the performance of the modernized motor changed in the following way:
• Nominal power increased from 15 kW to 19 kW, i.e. 26.6%.
• Open circuit current before the repair wasn't determined. This parameter was 27 A in accordance with the certificate, and after the modernization it was reduced to 13.4 А.
The work acceptance requests in Russian - https://clck.ru/FP6ip

The conducted tests graphically demonstrated once again the efficiency of the energy saving technology "Slavyanka". The chief technology officer of D.O.O. Kuevo confirmed the performance reliability of the modernized motor.

Testing of the modernized motor by the electrical and mechanical services department of the Saint Petersburg Metro

In 2015 as commissioned by the production technology department of the Saint Petersburg Metro, the team of the electrical and mechanical services department modernized the non-operational electric motor of the powerful tonnel air supply ventilating unit using the energy saving technology "Slavyanka". The type of the repaired electric motor of 1975 year of manufacture: 5АМ280S8Y3. The power before the breakdown was 55 kW, current - 108 A, rotation speed - 740 revolutions per minute, voltage - 380 V.
After the repair the experimental motor was installed into the V-1 unit with all the functions having been checked before that. As a result of testing the committee stated the following performance specifications of the modernized motor with the "Slavynka" type winding:
• The operating current was 48 A.
• The in-rush starting current amounted to 359 A.

The memorandum of the head of electrical and mechanical services of the Saint Petersburg Metro about the tests results in Russian - https://clck.ru/FP6j7

The data source in Russian - http://dvigatel.myfor.ru/viewtopic.php?f=213333t=410