Management + Philosophy: things that partner business does NOT work without

Management + Philosophy: things that partner business does NOT work without

The success of partner business consists of two ingredients: competent management and the right philosophy. These are two mutually reinforcing pillars that ensure success.

To reach new heights in business, you must be able to set goals, plan actions to achieve them, skillfully use sales technologies, analytics, duplication, etc.

However, no matter how well your knowledge and skills in the field of management are honed, without the right attitude it will be difficult to move forward, enjoy the process and achieve great results. For success in any business, you definitely need energy that motivates you to work every day. We would like to offer you 7 powerful sources which you can draw this energy from. You can use one or all of them — find things that work for you today.

· Meaning. This is the answer to the question "Why do I do this?" If you have a compelling answer to it, you will be much happier in your occupation. Key questions of a leader: "How do I convey the meaning that I see to other people? How can I make the team see the meaning, accept it, and start spreading it further?" Great strength lies in the ability to talk to people about meanings simply, clearly and truthfully.

· Relationships. It is a human contact that creates and maintains a motivating environment. This is work based on trust and respect for the product, the company, your work, colleagues and customers. This is human wi-fi, connecting everyone to everyone, increasing engagement and dedication to the business idea both inside and outside the network.

· Flow. The ability to fully focus on what you are doing, to perform intensive work in a relaxed state, without stress and resistance. The ability to blend with the process, thereby increasing your effectiveness 5 times.

· Optimism. This is the ability to find a solution in any situation, while creating a powerful positive emotional charge. The ability to draw energy from anything: victories, defeats, difficulties, uncertainties. It's a way of thinking, personal philosophy and a mental habit that gives you and your team the strength to move forward.

· Game. If you talk to professionals you respect and ask them to tell you how to enjoy your work, how to overcome the boredom associated with routine, how to achieve maximum fulfillment and high performance without overloading and putting yourself at excessive strain, you will notice that their approach is based on the inner game. The game gives you excitement. The more excitement you experience, the greater the feeling of drive and anticipation, the more interesting the process is. When you apply the principles and methods of the inner game in your work processes, excitement and drive step in, everything changes, complex tasks are solved easily and in a playful way.

· Development. When you treat your work as exploration, as a particular conscious practice, and are constantly engaged in mastering it, you increase your level of expertise over and over again. Keep learning from practice, don't stop in your development.

· Influence. Influencing a situation is a basic need necessary for mental health. Contrary to popular belief, this category is internal, not external. The source of your progress and strength lies in focusing on what useful things you can do right now to bring yourself closer to your goal. Focus your attention on the domains where your efforts will provide the best result.

Talking about energy sources, we refer to SOLARGROUP's corporate philosophy, which includes the right mindset and attitudes. They are included in the business strategy and create the right mindset for success, along with management skills make you a strong leader who people follow.

We will definitely talk about each manager skill and corporate philosophy separately, thus creating the necessary knowledge base for our partners.
But you know, just reflecting isn't enough. It takes practical application of knowledge and daily pumping of skills. A great tool to do this is promotion. Let's take the Partner Race that has been going on in SOLARGROUP for the past 4 months and will soon end.

Those taking part in it have learned:
to plan and implement daily actions to achieve their goals;
to motivate and develop their partner structure, especially the first level;
to work with investors;
to talk about the partner business opportunities in the right way;
to influence the situation through the art of small steps,
to turn on your leadership skills, energize your team.

This has led to an overall increase in the number of "Masters", "Experts" and "Professionals" by 23% compared to the previous period of the same duration. Having seen the effectiveness of the promotion, we will definitely not confine ourselves to the Partner Race only. There are new promos lying in store for you that will help you focus on the right philosophies, improve your manager skills and create your business success story. In the future, this story will be a role model for your partners, it will motivate them to work hard and help repeat your path.

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