"SovElMash" innovative center: everything about the future enterprise

"SovElMash" innovative center: everything about the future enterprise

The combined winding technology "Slavyanka" was developed and first applied in practice by Dmitriy Duyunov more than 20 years ago. Over the years, thousands of electric motors have been modernized using the technology, the research has been conducted at scientific universities in different countries, and Duyunov's team has proven the advantages of the development in practice.

After the practical value of "Slavyanka" became obvious, Duyunov's team made a decision to commercialize it. One of the main tasks of the project is the construction of a design and engineering technology department, where unique electric rotating machines for various applications will be developed for the needs of individual customers. The company "SovElMash" was created to implement this purpose.

What is a design and engineering technology department (D3333E) and why is it necessary for commercializing the technology?

D3333E is a company that will specialize not in producing, but in developing the original innovative product, namely, the most efficient electric motors in the world that meet the needs of customers. Besides, "SovElMash" will provide services for obtaining the necessary documents, motor certification, as well as setting up automated production of the developed motor on the customer's premises.

What are the competitive advantages of a D3333E over other types of enterprises?

- Firstly, only the innovative center makes it possible to develop motors of different sizes and capacities, including complex and large ones. The corresponding conditions will be provided for this.

- Secondly, the D3333E will allow to provide evidence to the customer that they will be able to mass-produce the development with their own capacities. An automated line for the production of a small-scale pilot batch of the developed motor will be established on one of the areas of the enterprise. The customer's specialists will be trained there too.

- Thirdly, the D3333E will ensure intellectual property security for "SovElMash" and protect the company from financial and reputational losses. After "SovElMash" demonstrates to the customer that the developed motor production is possible with the customer's capacities, conducts quality control, the full payment for the development is made and the corresponding documents are signed, only then the technology will be handed to the customer. Thus, the situation when the customer cannot produce the developed motors at their own enterprise and makes claims to the company "SovElMash" will be out of the question.

Duyunov's team is deliberately not trying to build a motor manufacturing plant as part of the current project. After all, development of an innovative product is a much more promising, high-demand and self-sufficient type of activity. By focusing on motor design, the company will maximize the potential of the "Slavyanka" technology and receive the greatest financial return.

How will the D3333E work?

The innovative center will be located on a plot of slightly more than 2 hectares, located in the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow "("Alabushevo" site, Zelenograd). One of the three main parts of the three-storey building is administrative and utility, it will house a management office, a checkpoint, a showroom, a food catering area, and a conference hall. The design engineers will work in another part of the building. The third part - the production building - will house the production of small-scale pilot batches of electric motors, quality control and testing of the designed models. There will also be storage facilities and infrastructure in the production building.

How are the preparations for the D3333E launch progressing?

The D3333E construction has already begun; at the plant of the subcontractor company Astron, the metal structures for the frame are being manufactured, which will then be installed on the site right upon delivery. A considerable part of work on preparing the site for construction has been completed. According to the preliminary schedule, the innovative center will be put into operation in the spring of 2022.

To date, on the leased premises of "SovElMash", Dmitriy Duyunov's team has developed the workflow procedure for developing electric motors in miniature. The company has its own capacities: the test area, winding and casting shops, as well as the testing laboratory with high-precision equipment. The company also has the permanent construction department, planning and finance department and engineering department, accounting department and others.

In the spring of 2020, "SovElMash" produced a small batch of the world's first combined winding motors developed from scratch. Their development and testing took more than three years, but the received basic electromagnetic system will make it possible to design motors for various applications, with different sizes and capacities — and that is hundreds of modifications.

How and how much will the D3333E and investors earn?

When the innovative center is built and starts operating at full capacity, it will be possible to design up to three motors per year. The average cost of developing a motor in the world is from $ 30,000,000, but it can be much higher - everything depends on the purpose, size and complexity of the product. Therefore, executing one or two orders can fully compensate for the cost of creating the D3333E.

49.5% of the profit "SovElMash" gets will be allocated for dividends and distributed between the owners of the company's shares. And the investors will become the owners after the project funding is completed and the company is reorganized into a public joint stock company.

The demand for the products and services "SovElMash" offers is beyond any doubt. The company has already signed a number of agreements of intent with the potential customers. Their data cannot be disclosed due to commercial confidentiality. The growing interest to the "Slavyanka" technology abroad is obvious: it is supported by successful projects on modernization of electric transport implemented by the project participant Victor Arestov, the head of ASPP Weihai. And if the modernized vehicles demonstrate outstanding results (let's remember the golf car with Duyunov's motor that can run using solar power only), then the vehicles with "SovElMash" motors developed using the "Slavyanka" technology from scratch are capable of even more!

It is important to understand that electric transport is just one of the many areas where combined winding motors can be applied. For example, the global market for general purpose industrial motors used in a variety of areas is truly huge.

We remind you that the project "Duyunov's motors" is confidently moving towards its completion. On December 24, it will go funding stage 15 out of the 20 planned stages. The investors have repeatedly ascertained that the project team achieves its goals, even despite the unforeseen pandemic circumstances. For those who have not yet invested in the project or want to increase the number of their shares in it, the best time to do it is now at the current stage 14, with a higher discount.