Business and dreams | Story of partner Johann Butschbach

Business and dreams | Story of partner Johann Butschbach

Hey! My name is Johann Butschbach, I am the national partner of SOLARGROUP in Germany.
 I came to Germany in 1996 from Tomsk, Russia. I wanted to see and conquer the whole world. I have always been told that you need to study - and then your dreams will come true. I studied at an institute in Hamburg, in the department of automotive engineering, and got an engineering degree.
 After studying, I met a man who first told me what network marketing was and what opportunities it offered. I was fascinated by the idea that you can work anywhere, make unlimited money, and travel the world. You can have friends and partners in any part of the world. It sounded like a dream, euphoria!
 I couldn't find a good job in my profession. I got a job here and there. I took breaks from work, but in this industry things change quickly, skills become no longer relevant and your marketability as a specialist drops sharply.
 In 2004 I started to try network marketing. Three times I started and tried to succeed in different network companies. I took breaks from work too. I looked at my fellow engineers with whom I had studied. Many of them worked in the same place they had landed after college, everything was going as planned. And whatever I did was short-lived.
 Network marketing didn't give me what I needed. There were few positive results, I was losing my motivation to move on. It was the responsibility to take care of my family and the bills that made me do it. And I kept on trying.
 During my time in the network business, I was introduced to a lot of projects. One of them was technology-related. In the Skype chat of this project, I met and began to communicate with Aleksandr Manzhula. In 2016, Alexander shared information about the SOLARGROUP project start in May 2017. I signed up and became a participant. Then, at the first webinar, Sergey Semyonov shared information about the work done with Dmitriy Duyunov in 2015-2017. He said that on June 1, 2017, a live meeting of the partners will take place in Moscow. I wanted to attend the event, but I couldn't and had to settle for the broadcast.
 Then, at the webinars, I learned that Victor Arestov lives in Germany, 600 km away from me. This is the project participant, a licensee of the ASiPP company, officially engaged in the modernization of electric motors by applying the "Slavyanka" technology. I visited him in Bonn and took the prototypes for a test drive. Victor and I struck up a good friendship, and I wanted to introduce him to the local entrepreneurs in order to sell the product in Germany. Electric bikes were becoming mainstream in Germany, and I thought about opening my own store. However, there was no product at the time and the idea did not work out.
 I focused on the partner program. During 2016, 2017 and 2018, I simply shared information about the project with people. While doing some other work at the same time. I talked about SOLARGROUP to various people, acquaintances from the network business and not only, strangers included. I can't say there was much interest to my proposal. Most people had their own highly profitable reliable projects. I kept on being rejected, but since I had already had that kind of experience, I found the strength to try again.
 This was until August 2018, when I visited EcoFest in Minsk. I had been trying to get there for two years. I met a lot of German partners there and developed friendships. And 6 weeks after that, I had two active partners. From that moment on, my partnership structure began to take shape.
 The first goal was to earn 3,000 euros per month. The main team was formed in a year from 2018 to 2019. It was the peak of the partner structure and my income growing. I increased my contribution to the project by 15 times. In 2020, the coronavirus took its toll, the activity declined, and partners joined less frequently. Now in my region I cannot afford to live on this income alone, but it is a great source of additional income, new opportunities and prospects. 
 I have high hopes for this project. During the participation, I was happy with every result achieved. I dreamed of such a monumental and significant business for many years! And although I am not the engine of this construct, I am making my contribution, and it fills me with joy and dignity. Involvement in this project has always been more important to me than profit.
 My life as a partner of the company is connected not only with achievements, but also with obligations. Partner activity has taught me to be constantly active and responsive: answering questions, tackling tasks, correcting mistakes, explaining unclear points and creating presentations for partners who are not technology savvy, making technology accessible to new investors seeking to invest in a stable business.
 Over time, I've found my place in the company and developed my own approach to work. It didn't happen right away. Each person has different qualities, mine boiled down to the fact that in any business I reached a certain milestone and could not cross it. It was as if I was afraid of being successful. But I crossed that milestone when the idea emerged to promote the product from Russia in Germany. I learned how to tell my story and engage people. In this business, everything depends on whether people believe you or not.
 Now I work 5 hours a day. It used to take more, because there was no technical support in different languages, and I took over the German part.
 In 2019, I became a national partner of SOLARGROUP in Germany. In the same year, in Paris, I met Gilles Weber and Birdi Gulshan Kumar. We were the first national partners of the company. Our support for each other was very inspiring and ensured maintaining the motivation to move forward.
 Even as a child, I asked the question: "Why are cars not powered by electric propulsion?" I kept thinking about how feckless we are in using our resources. And today I can influence it. We must strive hard to bring our project to life, because the issue of environmental care is urgent in all branches of industry.
 Rejections and failures in partner business have shown me that patience and perseverance lead to the desired result and success in the long run. If you get a million just like that, it will be wasted. And having worked for this, you learn to preserve and multiply what you have invested. Partner business is a special school. I still have a lot to learn. So many people, so many approaches. My partners and I are constantly exchanging experiences, trying to apply what works for the other.
 Being a national partner means being responsible for many participants. Most people in the region do not follow the development of the project all the time, visit the website once a month and face different issues. The task of the national partner is to briefly provide information and quickly find a solution to the problem in each case. I am the link between the partners of my region and the entire team of SOLARGROUP. Like all national partners, I should figure out what will bring the project more benefit and development here. I intend to combine the three German-speaking regions and set up a distribution network in Germany to distribute the products.
 But I still dream of traveling freely around the world, and I'm on my way to it day by day. I would like to say to everyone who is just joining the company now: act while you have the opportunity, for as long as you have the strength. Keep focused on your goal and the path will open itself to you.