Construction of "SovElMash" innovative centre: the story behind

Construction of "SovElMash" innovative centre: the story behind

The participants of the project "Duyunov's motors" and everyone interested in the international industrial startup know that currently most team efforts are put into starting the construction of the innovative centre on the territory of the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow".
In August 2019 the project "Duyunov's motors" managed to approach closely the start of the construction activities after successfully completing all preparatory and authorising stages. Let's have a look back at what it was like.

Why did we choose the special economic zone?
Becoming a SEZ resident is a challenge and trial. But this status provides a range of important advantages.
"Technopolis "Moscow" offers the conditions that allow to launch an innovative enterprise in the shortest possible time and in the most cost-effective way:
- big power and engineering capacities;
- specialized customs control, logistics hub, storage facilities, convenient transport junction;
- administrative, financial and tax incentives;
- simplified procedure of interaction with the state agencies.

December 2017. The documents for filing the application are ready
The team of the project "Duyunov's motors" completed a tremendous preparatory job on entering the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow". That's what was done:
• the land lot was approved;
• the package of documents for submitting to the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow was prepared (economic modelling, pre-project terms of reference, design documentation for the administrative and production complex, application);
• the agreement with a major financial company was signed on additional funding of the construction in case the crowdinvesting funds were not sufficient.
It's important to understand that when considering the application for entering the SEZ, the committee carefully examines the candidates: the business plan, the financial and legal aspects are subjected to very detailed examination and analysis. Only the company that has successfully passed a whole chain of checks can become the resident.

December 2018. The application for entering the SEZ is approved
After long months of expectation the project "Duyunov's motors" has passed all the required audits and approvals.
On December 17 the session participants of the Multi-authority committee of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow approved "SovElMash" entering the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" at the Alabushevo site.
The project team started preparing documentation for signing the future agreement. The project performance timeline and cost sheets were updated.
Meanwhile the developer was searched for, the architectural plan and design documentation was developed..
During this period the land lot for the construction of the design and engineering department was approved. Initially land lot № 29 was alloted, but due to its inappropriate shape it was changed to a more suitable land lot № 16.
This long-awaited stage eliminated any remaining doubt concerning the project implementation!

February 2019. The project officially becomes the resident of the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow"
On February 15, in the framework of the Russian investment forum in Sochi, the agreement was signed between OOO "SovElMash" and SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow". In accordance with this agreement, the company officially became the resident of the special economic zone. Along with this honorable status, "SovElMash" got the opportunity to start the construction of the future design and engineering enterprise and proceed with further design and engineering activity under beneficial tax, financial and high-tech conditions.
Only very few selected companies, after passing a chain of checks, become the residents. In 2019 there were six of such companies.
OOO "SovElMash" taking part in Sochi investment forum held with the participation of Moscow authorities is of big importance in itself. By tradition spanning back many years, only companies that are significant for Russia's economy can become the event participants. Spreading the technology patented by Dmitiry Duyunov is compliant with the main tasks of the Energy strategy of the Russian Federation until 2035.
The information about OOO "SovElMash" is added to the website of "Technopolis "Moscow" in "Residents" section, "Energy effective technologies" subsection.

June 2019. The agreement with the developer is signed
On June 13, "SovElMash" signed the general contractor agreement for design and construction of the innovative centre with the Czech company BLOCK and the technical customer contract with the joint stock company "Technopolis "Moscow". The documents were signed at the official ceremony with the heads of the companies and members of the Czech embassy and Moscow officials present..
The Czech general contractor was chosen because the company has 28 years of experience in design and construction of complexes for high-tech projects. BLOCK guarantees high-quality environment, offers clean room grades of ISO 4 to ISO 9 standards, which is consistent with the requirements of a modern design and engineering department..
"Technopolis "Moscow" is a technical customer and in fact, it will be the buffer between "SovElMash" and the government agencies, which is one of the privileges of the SEZ residents and makes the production process considerably easier.
In the end of June BLOCK presented the visual project of the future innovative centre. According to the project, the main building will consist of two parts: administration and amenity and production part. Besides, in the centre here will be a show room and room for presentatons and meetings. The complex will be located on the 2 hectare land lot.
"SovElMash" prepared and submitted the package of documents required for signing the land lease agreement for the land lot in the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow".

July 2019. The land lot lease agreement is registered
In the end of July the project overcame the bureaucratic red tape, and the land lease agreement between "SovElMash" and "Technopolis "Moscow" was finally registered in Rosreestr (the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography). The information about that was published at the agency's website.
This event kick-started the construction of the innovative centre. The general contractor is planning to commission the building in 2 years.
Currently the pre-construction activities are already being conducted at the site - clearing the vegetation and arranging the fencing.