By trusting me, people trust the project | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Batedga Harrison Kolemagah

By trusting me, people trust the project | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Batedga Harrison Kolemagah

My name is Batedga Harrison Kolemagah, and I have recently been appointed Vice National Partner in Togo. I'm from Dapaong, a city in the north of the country. But at the moment I live in Lomé, the capital of Togo. This is where I studied. I studied finance and IT for one year, and now I'm getting my degree in two majors, including HR. I study a lot!

I learned about the project "Duyunov's motors" in 2019. Two months before I was introduced to SOLARGROUP, I had developed an interest in investment. I participated in some projects, but it was not successful. I was a member of a social media group dedicated to finance. I asked the leader of this group for more details about the project, but he couldn't find the time. So I had to look for all the information myself. I registered in the back office, downloaded the documents. I immediately shared the information with a close friend, and together we decided to participate.

My initial goal was money. I always liked entrepreneurship, I wanted to launch a project of my own, but didn't have enough money. So I decided to earn it with SOLARGROUP. Next, I was planning to just sell my shares and start my own business. But I changed that decision, I wanted to continue working with the company and go all the way to completing the project. I figured out the information very quickly, the customer service helped with that. There was no one around me who could explain everything, so when I had questions, I contacted technical support.

Then I met Gilles Weber and he answered my questions in more detail. That's how I knew it was a promising project. Besides, environmental issues are of concern to me. It took me about a month to correctly assess my prospects in the project.

Now I have reached the "Master" status, there are about 400 partners in my structure, and there are 100 people on the first level. Most of the time communication in chats is enough to work with them. And in the beginning it was hard to talk about the project even with the close ones, no one believed in it. Only when the family saw my results did their opinion change.

Soon after I registered my friend in the project, several people in my circle appeared to be interested. They all invested, and I realized it was working! I got seriously interested in the partner program at this point.

I started with small presentations, on my own initiative. And the first partners who joined my team were people from the list of friends on my social media accounts. I shared my ideas with them. Also, people from my neighborhood joined in, as I held offline presentations at my home, right on the terrace. Five or seven people joined in this way. There were more and more of them!

If I could start over, I would give myself some advice: focus on one thing. I can give the same advice to all the partners who are just starting out in the company. Once you've put your trust in the project, focus on it. My biggest mistake was working on two projects at the same time; some of my partners invested in both. The second project collapsed, and then these partners lost confidence in me, at the same moment they stopped investing in SOLARGROUP. That's why I give this advice - trust yourself, pursue your goal and don't try to wear two hats. My advice to all newcomers would be to first figure out what they themselves want, what their goal is. For example, I had a goal of one million shares. Just set a goal and work your way towards it.

I think the personality of the inviter affects the growth of the partner structure. By trusting me, people trust the project and invest in it.

I have my own strategy. From the beginning, I interacted more with people slightly below me in terms of their social status. I was a role model for them, they would say: he lives a better life, he's achieved a lot. It was easier for me to motivate people like that. I also studied the project very well, it's important. I also openly announced that I had a $ 1,000 package and then a $ 2,000 package - from the first $ 250 payment. That was my tactic, and it really impressed people.

It helps that the company's website, the back office are fairly convenient platforms for work. All the key information is available here. Neither I nor my partners have any questions about the back office. Now I focus more on the news from the "Sovelmash" construction site and promo offers, summarizing all the information and sending it to my team.

A trip to Russia for a conference in August also played a positive role. I have always been attracted to this country, the mysterious Russian soul. So it wasn't hard to make up my mind to go to the conference; I wanted to be there. But I had to take exams in mid-August, and in order to prepare for them, I had to pull myself together and get really well-organized. I had a lot of fun on the trip! I liked it a lot. I stayed in Moscow longer than many of the conference guests and had time to walk around the city. Every morning I went out for a walk, even made a friend who gave me a Soviet watch.

When I got back home, I immediately held a meeting attended by 30 people! It's more than usual, so the conference had a very good effect on my work.

For me, being appointed Vice National Partner is career advancement. It boosts my self-esteem and people's confidence in me. I communicate with other Vice National Partners and members of other teams in the region. Especially with Victor Mouandjo Essombe (Vice National Partner in Cameroon).

Everything is proceeding as planned! I have a team capable of functioning even without my involvement. Next year I will start working as a specialist in my field, I will have to combine this work with the partner business.

I am grateful to SOLARGROUP for giving me these opportunities!