My dream is to boost financial literacy in my country | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Adju Jean Pacôme Mea

My dream is to boost financial literacy in my country | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Adju Jean Pacôme Mea

My name is Adju Jean Pacôme Mea and I have been recently appointed Vice National Partner in Côte d'Ivoire. I am a qualified teacher of physical education and sports.

I was introduced to crowdinvesting in 2017 and to SOLARGROUP - at the end of 2018. At first I joined the project as an investor, then I got interested in the partner program and became a partner. I met Gilles Weber, and he inspired me. I began to actively monitor the project, following in Gilles' footsteps.

I have already had experience of participating in crowdinvesting projects, but "Duyunov's motors" has a number of advantages over others:

• a promising patented technology,
• easу-to-make investment with multiple options,
• flexible payment system, the option to pay for packages in installments.

It's in my nature to share good things with others. If I see a great opportunity, I want to share it with my loved ones. When I became a partner, I was really into it! I started going up from one status to another.

My first partners were my acquaintances, and then I switched to cold contacts. It didn't take me long to get results. It took me about a year to become a "Master. I became an "Expert" in 2022, which means it took me four years to reach that status. I currently have 247 people in my structure, with 19 on the first level. When I see a potential investor, I don't put them on the first level, I give them to my team. In my opinion, there can be no precise guide here; achieving statuses depends not on how much time you spend working, but on your dedication to the cause.

My strategy is as follows: whoever invests once will continue to do so. Therefore, I guide each investor consistently. The priority is to work with existing investors in the customer base, and then to attract new ones.

My knowledge of crowdinvesting helps me in partner business. Promoting the project in Africa is partly hindered by the fact that this type of funding is not well known here. Partners often confuse it with others, it takes a long time to explain. A partner, I believe, must have a good understanding of the project and advanced communication skills. Partners should not be in a hurry, this activity appreciates patience and honesty, as it is necessary to arouse confidence in customers. And in Africa, it's hard to get people to trust you. And this is where technical difficulties often arise. For example, many people find it difficult to add funds to their accounts - and partners help with this.

Every day, when I log into the back office, I focus on the project news first, and share it with my partners. Then I control the structure, contact those who have problems, for example, with timely installment payments. A lot of people need to have a heart-to-heart conversation.

I am inspired and motivated by the fact that SOLARGROUP has very good ideas, they resonate with me. I personally planned to launch training for Africans so that partners could learn financial literacy. I am very happy that the company is doing so much for us, it is a pleasure to see SOLARGROUP's articles on this subject. We're on the right track!

Every country has its own peculiarities. In my country, people truly appreciate that the person who tells them about the project is from Côte d'Ivoire and has a certain image. That's how we're getting closer to the goal of communicating to people the use of the project, the benefits of crowdinvesting tools.

I am grateful to the company for their trust! Being appointed Vice National Partner implies more responsibilities, and I'm optimistic about that. Before I was just dealing with my structure, now the scope has changed. For example, I used to tell my team about the promo offers, but now I inform more people about them. I do what I have always been doing, only more!

The fact that the company has very well-developed internal communications is a huge advantage! This has a great positive effect on the partners' motivation.

Next year I intend to reach the "Professional" status. We all want the project to be implemented as soon as possible, it is our shared dream. But I have another one - I dream of boosting financial literacy in my country. And I'm already working towards it!