Conducting development work in "Sovelmash" / D.A. Duyunov

Conducting development work in "Sovelmash" / D.A. Duyunov

In the framework of the latest episode of the "Expert Time" program, we received the following question: Why is so much development work being carried out, what is its purpose?

In today's video, Dmitry Duyunov will give a definition to this concept, tell the viewers why exactly we conduct such work, and explain its essence. You will also find out why the company needs the laboratory, design and engineering department, planning and finance unit, etc.:

"At the first stage, research work is conducted, which ends with the construction of a prototype model or testing the idea for consistency. The project materializes, the idea turns into something more tangible, and on the basis of the work done, you can calculate the economic efficiency of the development, decide whether it will meet all the set tasks. In "Sovelmash" this work has already been done and the results are the license agreements entered into with the winding specialists. And it means hundreds of thousands of modernized machines that have proved the viability of our technology.

The second stage is the work on optimizing the electric motor parameters and it is carried out within the framework of development work. Therefore, in view of creating the mass production department, such work is significant. Using a single plate of an electric motor, it is possible to carry out development work for a number of motors. Motors made by different manufacturers were purchased for doing the work. Their performance characteristics were measured and an electronic model was created for each motor. Further, the regular winding was replaced with the combined one in these models in order to achieve the maximum performance parameters of the motor. To begin with, the necessary calculations were made; based on them, the option of the "Slavyanka" combined winding was selected, which optimally met the requirements and was suitable for a specific motor size. This work was done with the motors made by a number of different manufacturers. Therefore, a significant amount of development work has already been carried out and this work continues to be carried out. The preparation of electronic models is quite extensive work which includes: development of these models, their adjustment and making calculations. After conducting development, one also needs to provide not just a report on the work done, but get a whole set of documentation: drawings, specifications, and others. It is also necessary to determine the real production cost and minimum production volumes of electric motors that will be economically viable. That is, we can say that such work covers a lot of areas and requires different specialists from different branches of knowledge."

You can learn more about the development work by watching the video.