Investor and partner superpower: tolerance to uncertainty

Investor and partner superpower: tolerance to uncertainty

If you're an investor, if you're a partner, if you're just interested in opportunities to increase your income, you're going to need it. You studied history, at least in school, and you know that people have never lived differently - they have always been surrounded by incomplete or conflicting information about the events taking place. In such circumstances, it is not external circumstances or the expectation of something bad that cause anxiety, but precisely uncertainty.

Anxiety makes people vulnerable, inhibits, pushes to make bad decisions, forces to succumb to manipulation. And most importantly, it makes you quickly divide everyone into friends and enemies, turn the world black and white, and thus regain "ground beneath your feet".

And is it possible to be effective in the face of uncertainty, in a conflicted, altered, or simply unfamiliar situation? Of course it is!

First, make a rule: NEVER make financial decisions relying on your emotion. Wait for the strong emotion to subside.
Second, have no illusions. It's okay to want to be in control of a situation. Just as it is normal that you cannot correctly determine "yes" and "no", pros and cons, good and bad, correct and incorrect, right and wrong. There are always more options, the diversity of the world is just a fact. This fact is not easy for everyone to accept! Because you will have to admit that you can't control everything and you don't have to worry about it.
Third, develop your intelligence. Only not IQ, but EQ. You must have heard more than once that an investor doesn't need a high IQ, and you've wondered why some people succeed and others - don't. Isn't it because successful people are smarter? No, that's not why. It's because they have developed emotional intelligence, they have learned to control their emotions, understand the emotions of others and increase their social competence.

Emotional intelligence can be developed, it is not difficult at all! In order to control yourself, understand others, and navigate the many levels of unfamiliar structures, you just need to learn to recognize emotion. Write in the comments if you want to learn effective practices for developing emotional intelligence - we'll be sure to share them with you in our future content.

In the meantime, we offer you a game. Tolerance to uncertainty will bring you closer to invulnerability, you will more calmly accept any changes - and find beneficial solutions. Try improvising. If you have a team, offer them an improv, if you don't yet, offer it to your friends and family. The rule is simple: one of you puts forward an idea, such as getting a dog. The task of the rest is to support someone else's idea, not your own, and prove that it is good under any circumstances. The first participant, for example, says what he will do if there is a need to take the dog on a trip, the second - what he will do if there is no time to take the dog for a walk. Ans so on.

As a result, you learn to understand that there is a way out of any situation, to understand and support the decisions of others. And you will be able to transfer these skills to real life.

By the way, the Uncertainty Avoidance Index (by which the level of tolerance is measured) is a scientific term introduced back in the 1970s based on cross-cultural studies of entire countries! Countries and cultures with a lower tolerance for uncertainty (and a correspondingly higher avoidance index) have more prohibitions, official rules and protocols, demonstrate an unstable economy, and have high levels of aggression and anxiety in society. Thus, each of us has the power to influence the economic stability by beginning to develop a tolerance to uncertainty within ourselves.