Why isn't the production line of "Sovelmash" created on the existing premises?

Why isn't the production line of "Sovelmash" created on the existing premises?

In 2019, "Sovelmash" became the resident of the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow" and got a 2.1-hectare land plot for the construction of the design and engineering technology department at the "Alabushevo" site. The construction of the D3333E has begun and is underway in accordance with the construction schedule.

After the construction completion and commissioning of the D3333E, "Sovelmash" will implement its intellectual property by developing unique, innovative and efficient electric motors with the "Slavyanka" type combined winding customized to meet the customer needs.

Today, the company has its own capacities on the territory of the leased premises in NIITM (Research Institute for Precision Machine Manufacturing): a test area, winding and casting shops, as well as a testing laboratory with high-precision equipment. The company also has the directorate of construction, planning and finance department, engineering departments, accounting department, and others. All this can already be called a miniature of the future D3333E. In May 2021, it is planned to launch an automated production line that will be used to train the employees, elaborate the production technology, conduct development projects - to date, there are 46 of them, as well as produce small-scale pilot batches of induction electric motors. In the future, the automated production line will be moved to the D3333E territory.

So why doesn't "Sovelmash" use the already existing premises, which, for example, are a legacy from the days of the Soviet Union, to create an automated production line, but prioritizes the construction of the D3333E instead?

We will briefly describe the position of Dmitriy Alexandrovich Duyunov on this issue:

- Everything depends on the task at hand. Based on this, a decision is made on where to locate the production facilities;

- It is always necessary to consider the prospects of the project development, whether it is necessary to expand the area of the plant. It is usually problematic or simply impossible to do that on the existing premises;

- The cost of restoring old facilities may exceed the cost of creating new ones;

- Today, modern technologies and high-tech materials that meet the modern requirements are used in construction. Consequently, the operation of buildings is carried out differently. Engineering utilities are laid at the construction stage. All this allows you to get a project that meets the tasks set;

- It is possible to restore old buildings if they are considered architectural monuments, but production plants must meet all the due requirements. For example, to be expandable thanks to the modular building design. Therefore, it is economically viable to build them from scratch.

To date, the D3333E construction is in full swing and "Sovelmash" is getting closer to the set goal — generating profit from commercialization of intellectual property by developing energy-efficient induction electric motors with the unique patented combined winding technology "Slavyanka".