Schedule and reality: how the construction of "SovElMash" D&E is going

Schedule and reality: how the construction of "SovElMash" D&E is going

This autumn, the most important event for the project took place: "SovElMash" has obtained the construction permit for the design and engineering technology department. It allowed to start the construction activities directly on the site in "Alabushevo".

To date, a number of tasks on the construction site have already been completed, so far everything is being completed in full accordance with the plan. We have already introduced you to the preliminary construction schedule. We are offering you to you compare: what activities have already been completed according to the schedule, and what is still to be done.

Preparatory work

The modern construction camp is fully ready, it provides all the conditions for comfortable work and rest of the specialists. Thanks to this, the team of workers will be able to start the construction of permanent buildings.

Temporary utilities have been connected, including water and electricity supply, drainage.

Most of the temporary roads have been built. Around the perimeter of the site with no vegetation, the ground has been leveled, the sand - poured, and the concrete slabs - put on top. The construction equipment will move along them.

We can say that the preparatory stage is almost completed. It remains to clear the site of the vegetation left, so that we can proceed directly with the innovative center construction.

Preparating the documents

"SovElMash" together with the general contractor, the company "HAKA Moscow" is developing the detailed design documentation that is to be used as a guide by the builders.

Another permit is the land order. It must be obtained to be able to dig deeper than 30 cm.

Registration of the documents will make it possible to complete the preparatory stage of the construction and start the main one.

Main stage of the construction

First, the construction of the foundation and floor beams will start. The frame of the building will be metal due to a number of reasons: it meets the requirements for the premises of the design and engineering technology department (D3333E), is factory-supplied, easy to install, and is more economically feasible than a reinforced concrete structure. Production and installation of the metal frame will be carried out by the subcontractor company "Astron Buildings".

Construction of the stairwells and elevator shafts will be carried out simultaneously with the installation of the metal frame.

Then the company "Astron" will begin installation of the remaining elements of the building, according to preliminary calculations, it will take about six months.

The main construction stage also includes:
- placing concrete on ceiling and floors,
- construction of partitions,
- interior finish,
- installation of engineering networks (ventilation, water and electricity supply, sewerage),
- external utilities.
Interior finish and engineering utilities will be handled by the company "HAKA Moscow".

Besides, improvement works are planned at this stage.

Equipping the premises

It is not enough just to construct the D3333E building — you also need to equip it with the necessary machinery. After the completion of most of the construction activities, the delivery and installation of special technical equipment will start. This stage is one of the most important and long-lasting.

Commissioning the project

The final stage is scheduled for the spring of 2022. It consists of several steps:

- acceptance of work,
- obtaining the statement of compliance,
- commissioning the facilities.

To view the schedule, follow the link -
We would like to note that although the schedule is based on the current situation, it is a preliminary work schedule that can be adjusted depending on various circumstances. "SovElMash" makes the most of the opportunities to timely perform the construction and commissioning of the design and engineering technology department. The company's planning and finance department maintains strict control over the funding of the project, monitors the implementation of the technical part and meeting the construction deadlines. So far, all the work is has been carried out without any delays, according to the schedule.