5 out of hundreds of thousands: the most memorable applications of "Slavyanka"

5 out of hundreds of thousands: the most memorable applications of "Slavyanka"

Over 28 years of practical application of the "Slavyanka" combined winding technology, its effectiveness has been proven in the operation of hundreds of thousands of modernized motors. Here are just a few examples of the successful use of "Slavyanka".

Pumping station

In 1995, Dmitriy Duyunov applied "Slavyanka" for the first time by rewinding the electric motors of the north-east pumping station in Stakhanov. The motors are still in good working order today.

"KamAZ-Master" team car

In 2017, a generator for a KAMAZ vehicle was rewound by applying the combined winding technology. The rewinding ensured increasing the generator power by almost 30%. The modernized car took part in the 2017 Dakar Rally. The "KamAZ-Master" team was satisfied with the enhancement, after that the generators of the remaining cars were rewound for the 2018 Dakar Rally.

Angle grinder

In 2022, the engineers at "Sovelmash" created a universal combined winding electric drive for household appliances and power tools. This drive was first installed in a 230/2100M angle grinder. The angle grinder with a "Slavyanka" based motor is quieter and softer than its counterparts and has a better cutting speed and quality. The angle grinders developed by "Sovelmash" are now being prepared for mass production in China.


In 2022, a demilitarised BTR-80 armoured personnel carrier was modernized for "Sovelmash" participating in the "Army-2022" international military and technology forum. The specialists installed induction combined winding geared motors for each of the wheels and a diesel generator to power the battery system. As a result, the reliability, off-road capability, maintainability, resistance to low temperatures of the all-terrain vehicle were improved.

Thai boats

In 2019, Thailand launched a project to convert petrol-powered boats to electric propulsion as part of a program aimed at saving the ecology of its rivers. The head of ASPP Weihai and partner of "Sovelmash" Victor Arestov was among its participants. The boats were fitted with "Slavyanka" combined winding motors and solar panels. There are now several dozen such boats operating in Bangkok's main tourist area, which do not pollute the river or make noise.

More examples of practical applications for the "Slavyanka" technology can be found on our website by clicking here.

Convinced of the effectiveness and demand for the "Slavyanka" technology? To become a co-owner of the world's only company that will develop combined winding electric motors, follow the link below.