Airships in the Arctic

Airships in the Arctic

Grands Espaces is a French ecotourism company that plans to start taking tourists to the Arctic in 2028. On airships!

For this purpose, the company has already booked ten Airlander 10 airships from UK-based airship manufacturer Hybrid Air Vehicles. Airships, unlike other modes of transportation, are easy to land in hard-to-reach locations, including water and ice. Therefore, the choice was obvious.

Christian Kempf, founder of Grands Espaces, is a writer and Arctic scientist. He always regretted that ships, yachts and airplanes were not suitable for so many expedition cruises. And the emergence of new generation airships solves this problem! The pole can now be explored noiselessly from above.

This order significantly increases the portfolio for Airlander 10 manufacturers. We've already described how successful the crowdfunding event to raise investment for this project was here.

Both companies are very content with the cooperation. They share the principle of doing business in an environmentally friendly manner. Furthermore, the Airlander 10 airship will help comply with another principle of ecotourism: minimizing costs and communicating with local communities.

George Land, Executive Director at Hybrid Air Vehicles, believes airplanes to be an outdated mode of transportation because of their negative impact on the planet. He says airships will redefine the potential of low-carbon tourism.

Airlander 10 airships have other major customers as well. One of them is Air Nostrum, a Spanish regional airline.

It is worth noting that at the moment the market lacks offers with high-quality technological solutions. And customers are left with virtually no choice.

The Airlander 10 airship, for example, now claims to be "the most efficient large aircraft in the world". Are you ready to bet? The New Generation Airships project has the potential to offer innovative solutions to the world!

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