Gilles Weber's visit to Russia: what it was like

Gilles Weber's visit to Russia: what it was like

The national partner of SOLARGROUP in France, Côte d'Ivoire, Benin, Togo, Senegal, Cameroon and Burkina Faso Gilles Weber and his assistant Barbara Sacca-Kina visited Russia.
 First of all, together with the management of SOLARGROUP, they visited the construction site in Moscow, where the "Sovelmash" engineering center is being erected. They were given a guided tour, where the guests got answers to all their questions and learned how the construction was progressing.
 Gilles Weber visited Russia for the first time in 2019 at the project conference in Moscow. Back then, all he saw at the future construction site was a fenced area. According to the national representative, he was positively impressed with the changes that had taken place over 2.5 years.
 After the visit to the construction site, the guests moved to the "Sovelmash" studio. From there, Gilles Weber held a webinar for the French-speaking investors and partners of the project with the participation of Alexander Sudarev, the head of the project's media department. Alexander appeared in an unusual role: he did not ask questions on the air, but answered questions from the national partner and foreign participants of the project. You can watch the webinar here

The next day, Gilles Weber attended a business meeting with the top managers, the IT director and legal advisor of SOLARGROUP. They discussed the legal issues, the operation of the back office and marketing.

After that, the national partner and his assistant went to Obninsk, to the workshop of Andrey Lobov, who is engaged in the modernization of vehicles by applying the "Slavyanka" technology. There, the guests saw various models of combined winding motors, including those developed by "Sovelmash", as well as kits with motors. The national partner also tested the vehicles with "Slavyanka" and discussed with Andrey Lobov the options for cooperation to promote the technology in African countries.

The guests spent the last two days in Sochi. There they had intensive working meetings with the top managers of SOLARGROUP and took part in a webinar, where they spoke about their impressions of their trip to Russia and answered questions. Link to the broadcast —
Also in Sochi, Gilles Weber tested an electric kart with a "Slavyanka" motor and compared it with an internal combustion engine counterpart. To recap, the electric kart is one of the developments of Andrey Lobov's team.

During the trip, Gilles Weber and Barbara Sacca-Kina made many live feeds, took pictures and shot videos, and asked questions that are of interest to the foreign investors. Thanks to this, the investors and partners from Africa were able to see the project from the inside, learn the latest news, and get a better understanding of the project.

Photo report on Gilles Weber's visit to Russia — 
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