Why should every investor of the project order the hard copies of the documents?

Why should every investor of the project order the hard copies of the documents?

Have your friends and family ever shared their doubts about the reliability of the project "Duyunov's motors"? "No documents at hand — no guarantees!" - for a lot of people, it is the hard copies of the documents with the seal and signature that is the true confirmation of the rights and validity of the contract. However, each participant of our project can order the hard copies of all the investor's documents!

"These are probably just copies of the electronic documents?"- the skeptics will continue to hesitate.
You will receive the original documents with the seal and signature of the company's head! It will be another significant legal confirmation of your participation in the project that is always at hand. In addition, such a document as the certificate for the number of paid shares has a high-quality design. When your friends see it, they will get interested in the project and may also become the investors!

"OK. But paperwork usually takes a long time."
We have made sure that everything is as simple and fast as possible. The order is made online from the back office, in just a few clicks. You can choose which documents you want to order. They will be delivered to you personally by a courier, which is very convenient.

"And yet, is it worth spending money to pay for the delivery, if electronic documents already have all the legal force?"
It's definitely worth it! The documents are accompanied by a promo code that provides a +5% bonus for purchasing an investment package added to its value. Use it yourself, give it to a friend or business partner.

"Are there any other bonuses I can get from ordering the paper documents?"
Yes! The members of the "Club 100" and "Club 1000", along with a package of papers, will receive the membership certificate, thus getting a documented confirmation of their status. We will send thank-you letters to all the investors as a sign of appreciating their participation in the project.

Use all the opportunities available to the investors of the project "Duyunov's motors". And tell your friends and colleagues about them, thus helping our project to become even more popular!