Ordinary people who became millionaires by investing in dividends

Ordinary people who became millionaires by investing in dividends

Mass media always trumpet cases when people quickly become rich: by winning the lottery, receiving a large inheritance, closing a good deal. Stories about the painstaking creation of a million-dollar capital lasting for decades usually remain out of the limelight.

Today we will talk about the lives of ordinary people who many years ago invested a small amount in company's shares and earned millions of dollars without intermediaries and reselling. These examples demonstrate the benefits of even a small, but correct and timely step for those of your potential contacts who have not yet decided to invest in SOLARGROUP projects.

- An American named Anne Scheiber worked as a simple public officer. After investing $5,000 in shares of companies that seemed reliable to her, she reinvested the dividend income in new shares in the following years. Never doubting the choice she made, the woman purchased new securities for decades, without selling the ones she had already purchased. Living to be 101 years old, Anna made a fortune of $22 million. At that time, her portfolio of shares included more than 100 companies, including PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, which brought in an annual income of $750 thousand.

- Far back in 1935, a modest secretary of the American concern Abbott Laboratories, Grace Groner, bought 3 shares of the company she worked for investing $180 in it. Over the next 80 years, she received dividends and used them to buy new shares. By the time of her death in 2010, Grace's fortune was $7 million. She, just like Anne Scheiber, never sold her securities, living a simple and modest life.

- Ronald Reid was also a simple man with no financial education and no high income. This circumstance did not prevent him from collecting an impressive investment portfolio with shares of such brands as American Express, Colgate-Palmolive, Johnson3333Johnson, Procter3333Gamble. Initially investing a small amount in stocks, he invested his patience and small dividends in buying new shares over the years, and this persistent strategy resulted in his monthly income exceeding $20 thousand.

All these people are united not only by their success, but also their ability to analyze market trends. Their ability to collect valuable information multiplied by their perseverance and modest lifestyle made them millionaires.

If the participants of your structures, just like the heroes of this article, strive for financial independence without having large investments, share this post with them and encourage them to start their successful path as an investor with a small, but very important step!

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