SOLARGROUP conference in Ho Chi Minh City: highlights

SOLARGROUP conference in Ho Chi Minh City: highlights

On October 16, the most active investors and partners, as well as new project participants from Vietnam gathered at the SOLARGROUP conference in Ho Chi Minh City. This was the first time such an event was held in this city.

Over 170 people took part in the conference.

The audience was addressed by:

• SOLARGROUP's top managers Sergey Semyonov, Pavel Shadskiy and Pavel Filippov,
• head of the "Resurs" production cooperative Andrey Lobov,
• head of ASPP Weihai Victor Arestov,
• SOLARGROUP's national partner in Vietnam Trinh Van Long.

The conference participants found out about the latest achievements of the project and the "Sovelmash" D&E construction progress. They saw motors with the "Slavyanka" combined winding and learned about their application for various equipment. They also personally communicated with the company's management and got answers to their questions.

The representatives of SOLARGROUP stressed that the interest in the project in Vietnam was particularly high and kept growing. Therefore, the conference, just like the previous one in Hanoi, is of great importance for attracting investment in the project.

The highlights of the event are collected in the video and photo selection, both available by following the link.