Dialogue with the national partner | Gilles Weber

Dialogue with the national partner | Gilles Weber

Today we are opening a new section – Dialogue with the national partner.
SOLARGROUP's national partners are outstanding individuals who represent our company in different countries of the world. They will talk about their path, share the secrets of success and shed light on the prospects for the project development in their countries.

Gilles Weber is SOLARGROUP's national partner in France, Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal, head of a French company that has been developing in the commerce field for ten years.

Thanks to the energy and inspiration of this man, thousands of people were able to participate in the project "Duyunov's motors". Presentations, meetings, negotiations, webinars – this is what his standard working day is like. We asked Gilles a few questions to find out what the secret of his success is, what life events have toughened up his character, and what he thinks about the future of the project "Duyunov's motors".

Gilles, tell us please how you got to SOLARGROUP.
30 years or so ago, I got to know the network business by organizing the sale of household goods from the United States. There was no Internet yet, so I used to invite people to my house and show them the business opportunities on a flip chart in my living room. It was my first experience.

In 2016, I learned about crowd funding. Then I heard about SOLARGROUP whose partner program immediately won my trust. The company has a very well-thought-out marketing plan, and the project "Duyunov's motors" promotes an environmentally friendly product that reflects the zeitgeist.

In the summer of 2018, I put all my efforts into creating a team of investors in the course of July and August, and since then it has significantly grown.

My trip to Moscow in February 2019 was a turning point in my life! I met the full management team of SOLARGROUP and has a face-to-face meeting with Dmitriy Duyunov. The meeting was very fruitful, and we immediately had a sense of mutual trust.

By that time, me and Pavel Shadskiy were already discussing the idea of holding SOLARGROUP conferences in different countries to introduce the world to the unique investment project "Duyunov's motors".

In June 2019, the company opened its first national representative office, and I became the first national partner in France. Already in August, my ambitions combined with SOLARGROUP's plans made it possible to open a national representative office in Côte d'Ivoire. We held the first major conference in Africa at which I was appointed the national partner in Côte d'Ivoire.

Continuing to pursue my goals, I took on the mission of opening a representative office in Senegal. Starting with February 8, 2020, I am the national partner in 3 countries, and in the near future I'm going to open representative offices in Benin and Togo.

In order to implement this, I had to leave France and take the last flight to Africa before air travel was suspended in Europe. I had to stay in quarantine for 14 days and it is still unknown when I will be able to return home. France has imposed an entry ban for an indefinite period.

What do you do as a national partner?
I am responsible for organizing live meetings and presentations in countries where the national representative offices are operating, coordinating the work of the teams locally. I also spread official information about the project in French in social media, answer the users' questions, and conduct weekly webinars. Quite a lot of work!
Besides, organizing major events, such as international conferences, requires a lot of preparatory work.

What makes the project "Duyunov's motors" interesting for investors from France and African countries?
In Europe and on the African continent, the perception of business and the profit it generates can be interpreted in different ways.
But the main goal of people, regardless of the country, is to be able to make profit from the purchased shares. They are also interested in earning quick money on the partner program, as well as the ability to make monthly payments for the purchased packages using referral remuneration.

What are the prospects for the development of the project "Duyunov's motors" in Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire and France?
Entire industries where energy consumption plays a crucial role can offset the constant increase in electricity prices by installing induction electric motors with "Slavyanka" and significantly improve their business performance.
According to a number of studies, within ten years, 51% of vehicles will switch to electricity, this factor can provide a great future for the project "Duyunov's motors" in France and in African countries.

How to become a successful partner?
Any success is a matter of patience, perseverance and passion.
This combination of qualities is not easy to cultivate. The main problem of 90% of people who cannot achieve success is a lack of patience and perseverance. A partner succeeds when he puts his heart, time, and self into work, not just money.
It is important to constantly learn, understand the details, learn the essence to become a leader who people will be drawn to. A deep understanding of business is an essential condition for successful growth. Never give up and work every day.

What is the main difficulty you faced in this business and how did you tackle it?
The most difficult thing is people's skepticism about a totally guaranteed opportunity to organize your own business. I have to deal with this quite often. But only those who persist in going forward despite the negative attitude will see their income grow with every day.
Overcoming fears, believing in your business and product, constantly learning and understanding its subtleties - these are the basic rules for successful growth.

Give advice to the beginner partners.
Regularly monitor the development of the company, understand the global goals of the product and learn how to use the back office to effectively transfer knowledge to the people in your structure. Use social media to talk about the project on a daily basis, including outside your country. Believe in yourself! And then you will succeed!
Gilles WEBER