Golf cars with Duyunov's motors: the only thing they need is the sun!

Golf cars with Duyunov's motors: the only thing they need is the sun!

Victor Arestov and his partners from Solar Power Glory managed to implement the "Never Plug-in" principle. They created the golf cars that can run on solar power solely without any charging from the mains supply! A solar thin-film battery and a DA-100SL motor modernized using the "Slavyanka" technology are installed on the roof of the car.

The head of ASPP Weihai Technology shared his joy in view of the achievement:
"This is a victory! These solar cars can run on solar power solely. The start is possible without any amperage surge, that is, the motor torque is enough to ensure movement from the start and up to a speed of about 15-18 km/h without using the battery. Only the sun. The "Slavyanka" technology is beyond compare!"

Now in China, the tests are being conducted on the golf cars that have come off the assembly line. The tests have shown that the combined winding motor is so efficient that the car can start going by using only the solar panel power. Victor Arestov noted that he had been amazed by the result, as he had never seen that before on a lighter solar transport with classic motors.

In addition, the tests at 31° latitude have shown that in real operating conditions, the car does not need charging from the mains supply at all, given that it moves at an average speed of up to 20-30 km/h over short distances (it is possible to accumulate the solar power during downtime). And this became possible largely due to the efficiency of the combined winding motor.

A 410-watt solar panel provides up to 230 watts — which is enough to compensate for the power consumed during the run, even in November. In summer, the panel is capable of replenishing the battery power up to 2.2 kW/h on a sunny day. The accumulated power can be used when the daylight hours are over.

A new batch of golf cars has been enhanced by installing a WiFi module with a GPS unit, so that information about the state of the car's systems is remotely transmitted to the server. You can see how many kilometres it has traveled, how much solar power has been received and spent, and the current, voltage, and number of watt-hours are also displayed.

Victor Arestov and the head of Solar Power Glory, Dr. Lu Tao personally tested the golf car and were delighted with the results. In such regions as South America, Southeast Asia, Australia, and Africa, this development will allow you to forget about being dependent on electricity.
In this regard, Dr. Lu Tao once again expressed his admiration for combined winding motors, because in fact the thing that makes golf cars so efficient is applying only the modernized motors based on the "Slavyanka" technology. The potential of motors developed from scratch will be much higher!

To recap, Solar Power Glory is a world leader in the development and production of solar panels. And the company ASPP Weihai in China modernizes classic electric motors under license using the combined winding technology. The outstanding results of their joint work demonstrate to the whole world the value of the "Slavyanka" technology — it is one of the main goals of Victor Arestov's activity.

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