SOLARGROUP "Professional" Alexander Nikolaev: "I never was a networker, but now I am a multi-project person"

SOLARGROUP "Professional" Alexander Nikolaev: "I never was a networker, but now I am a multi-project person"

My first investment, even before the project "Duyunov's motors", was investing into one of crowdinvesting projects in 2015.

I learned about SOLARGROUP in 2017 at the very start of the project, after watching Sergey Semyonov's webinar. That summer, I decided to become the investor. I was excited about the fact that I could invest little money and get big money out of it - my salary at work didn't offer that kind of prospects. I also liked the mission of the project to preserve the planet's ecology.

My income level was above average, but my ambitions always pushed me to strive for more. I was not immediately able to find free time and a suitable tool for starting in partner business, but this was always the focus of my attention and I continued to search. I was interested in the project, tried myself in this field and got inspired by the example of successful partners and feedback from the project participants. And in September 2018, I began building my own partner team. The main motivation was not only financial freedom, a flexible schedule and a huge number of friends around the world, but also participation in a large-scale promising project that can change the world for the better, belonging to something global and large-scale.

I never was a networker, and wasn't engaged in sales either. I was employed by a large company in the wholesale department. I started as a partner just like everyone else: I told my acquaintances, friends, and relatives about the project. I tried to do something on VKontakte. But the number of subscribers did not grow, no one was interested, 2 likes and that's it.

Then I decided to turn my attention to Facebook: a social network with two billion users is cool. The first steps I took were done "by feel", and I didn't expect anything. First I created an account, the next step was a page, then a group, which turned out to be the most effective tool for me. I invited friends from other crowdinvesting communities to join it, published posts and motivational videos, and quickly attracted attention to the SOLARGROUP project. I got the first results after a couple of weeks of such work: an investor from Indonesia joined the project.

In the very beginning I realized that the key to success is the target audience and understanding its features, interests, the ability to speak to it in the same language. This spiritual closeness is what automatically makes people friends and business works easily.

I placed my focus on developing a team made up mainly of foreign investors. I speak English at a level sufficient to explain the essence of the project in correspondence and competently answer questions from investors. Perhaps the main difficulty for me was that at that time the website and all the promotional materials were not translated into foreign languages, but I managed to cope with my own efforts.

In one Asian country where the audience does not know English, the language barrier was not an obstacle either. It was enough to make friends with two strong leaders and in 5 months they brought 600 investors to the project. In 3 years, I managed to find partners in 50 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia. Thanks to participation in the partner program, I was able to increase my investments by 30 times and I continue investing now.

In business, I adhere to the principles of honesty and sincerity towards investors and partners, I warn people that there are risks. But the audience that I work with is basically risk-taking. And most importantly, we speak the same language with it, we have common values and vision.

How do I work on creating the depth of the structure? I care about my partners more than about myself. For the first 1.5 years, I did not ignore a single message, answered all the questions, worked 24/7. Now I recommend that people who are interested in investing register not under me, but under those who are in my first line or even in the second one. Thanks to this, I save my time, strengthen relationships with my partners, get a steady income and the growth of the structure in depth.

I consider SOLARGROUP to be a company close to the benchmark for its content. I really like both the posts and the timeliness. I like SOLARGROUP's marketing plan: everything is clear, and you can influence your own growth and income. This is not the case everywhere.

Partner business has changed my life. Now I am a multi-project person and I have full-time employment. A year ago I quit my job as an employee, psychologically it was a difficult decision, despite the fact that at that time my income in partner business was 3 times higher than in my main job. The moment has come to choose between what you are used to and what you are striving for. And I made this decision for myself.

I intend to further develop the partner network, this has a beneficial effect both on the project development, the promotion of a good large-scale idea in general, and on my income in particular. I am eternally grateful to the SOLARGROUP team and all its partners from all the continents for their trust and support, for their feedback.

My advice to beginner partners: if at the start of your way something does not work, do not get discouraged, try other methods, learn, dare and you will succeed!