Сombined winding motors from ASPP Weihai: what they mean for the project "Duyunov's motors"

Сombined winding motors from ASPP Weihai: what they mean for the project "Duyunov's motors"

In the news of the project "Duyunov's motors", we often mention the motors modernized using the "Slavyanka" technology. We decided to tell you more about what these motors are like and answer the most popular questions about them.

What are the DA-90S and DA-100S motors like?

To produce these motors, standard induction motors made in China are used, the winding of these motors is replaced with a "Slavyanka"-technology winding.
The body parts are specially custom-made for different types of vehicles. There are also several types of drive shafts for these motors. It means that their appearance is completely different from industrial prototypes, only the internal design of the stator and rotor hardware remains unchanged.
The modernization is performed by Victor Arestov's company ASPP Weihai Technology that operates on the territory of the innovation park in the Chinese city of Weihai. The company operates under the license issued by OOO "ASiPP".

Today, the following vehicle motors have been created and are already being implemented:
DA-90S - rated power 3 kW (3300 rpm),
DA-100S - rated power 5 kW (3000 rpm),
DA-100SL - rated power 7 kW (3200 rpm),
DA-112SL - rated power 12 kW (3200 rpm).

What makes the motors based on Duyunov's technology better than traditional induction motors?

DA-90S and DA-100S, as well as their more powerful and larger-size "brothers" are the embodiment of the"Slavyanka" technology advantages. They are distinguished by increased efficiency over the entire load range. Transport with these motors demonstrates higher speed, fast start, and maneuverability. The motors consume less electrical energy, do not overheat, have a longer service life and are cheaper to produce than their counterparts from the same energy efficiency class. They show their full potential when working with a controller developed by ASPP Weihai and a suitable battery.

For more information about the performance of the modernized motors, please visit the manufacturer's website - http://www.as-pp.asia/index.php/ru/dvigateli.

When did the mass production of these motors start?

About two years ago, ASPP Weihai launched mass production of the DA-90S motor, the first batch of motors was delivered to Moscow in November 2018. A little later, the production of DA-100S was launched. Recently, Victor Arestov's company added the more powerful and larger-size DA-100SL and DA-112SL to these motors.

What vehicles are the motors installed on?

The motors are used for transport. The compact and lightweight DA-90S is designed for motorcycles, small cars, and other small-sized vehicles. Earlier we told you about the vehicles which this motor is installed on: these are the Suzuki AX100 electric motorcycle, the Pickman truck by ASPP Weihai, the motor sleigh and the "Ant" designed by Andrey Lobov.

DA-100S is installed on motorcycles and electric cars to increase their speed and power. The vehicles with it: the Pickman truck and K-Cross electric motorcycle - watch the test drive of the latter in the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU-NvAaVNuc
The DA-100SL motor - a longer version of DA-100S - used in a golf car and a Thai boat powered by solar batteries. Both developments are joint projects of ASPP Weihai and Hanergy Glory.
The DA-112SL motor was originally designed for a 1.5-ton truck, and is now successfully used on the LOJO E300 P6-Plus electric car.

Why are the motors produced by ASPP Weihai important for the project "Duyunov's motors"?

The company "SovElMash" does not produce motors yet, but is only preparing for it. Meanwhile, Victor Arestov's company continues to pave the way for the "Slavyanka" technology. The developments of ASPP Weihai show the advantages of combined winding motors, thus ensuring the recognition of the technology and interest from potential customers.

Can the motors produced by Victor Arestov be direct competitors to Duyunov's motors?

ASPP Weihai rewinds motors under the license issued by the rightholder for the "Slavyanka" technology. Victor Arestov's company does not create combined winding motors "from scratch". While the company "SovElMash" does. Duyunov's team has already created and tested the prototype models of size-90 and size-100 general-purpose industrial motors. As compared to the modernized ASPP Weihai motors, motors designed for a specific task are much more efficient, which has been repeatedly emphasized by both Victor Arestov and Dmitriy Duyunov. The companies ASPP Weihai and "SovElMash" are not competitors, but partners on the huge market of electric motors: the first one modernizes motors, the second - will produce a unique customized product.

Shedding light on the activity of Victor Arestov's company, telling about the motors that are produced by his company, we thereby emphasize the advantages of the "Slavyanka" technology. And this contributes to the popularity growth of the project "Duyunov's motors" and prepares the ground for the future "SovElMash" innovative centre. If you want to help us, repost the news!