About the project "Duyunov's motors": why have more than 30,000 people invested in it?

About the project "Duyunov's motors": why have more than 30,000 people invested in it?

Usually, people who follow the crowd are considered unoriginal or unable to find their own way. This opinion may apply to fashion, hobbies, and a lot of other areas of life. Crowdinvesting is one of the few areas where the popularity of a project reflects the degree of its viability. The more people believe in the idea, the more money they invest, which means that thus they bring the date of its implementation closer.

When the number of investors amounts to dozens of thousands of people, it becomes clear that all of them can not be wrong: first, they managed to earn money that they then invested in the project, second, they carefully studied the dynamics of the project development and all the related information, and third, they believed in the technology or idea that lies at the forefront of fundraising.

What facts made more than 30 thousand private investors from 116 countries believe in the project?

- The patented technology "Slavyanka" authored by Dmitriy Duyunov solves two of the key problems of our time: exhaustibility of useful resources and harmful effect of human activity on the planet's ecology. Energy-efficient Duyunov's motors created using the combined winding technology save up to 40 % of energy while increasing the power and reliability of the machines, thereby reducing the consumption of electricity and the damage that its production causes to the environment.

- The effect of implementing the technology in the course of several years was recorded by hundreds of licensed winders of OOO "ASiPP", who have been using the "Slavyanka" winding for traditional induction electric motors turning them into energy-efficient ones. Independent tests of motors modernized using Duyunov's technology that were carried out in different countries of the world are worth mentioning as a separate point. All of them are available for study in the back office - /news/posts and in the project's social media.

- Dmitriy Duyunov's promising idea was supported by the Moscow government and top management of the special economic zone (SEZ) "Technopolis "Moscow" which allocated a plot of land for the construction of an engineering center to "SovElMash". It will develop innovative electric motors with combined winding for various applications. Along with the status of the SEZ resident, Duyunov's company received tax, financial and administrative preferences for successful business development, as well as a reputation of a reliable partner, having passed several serious tax audits.

- The "Slavyanka" technology has been recognized in the international expert community: exhibition samples of equipment with the motors modernized using Duyunov's technology regularly attract attention and receive prestigious awards at industrial exhibitions.
Today, anyone who has even a small amount of savings can become the investor and invest money in the already widely promoted project. But at the beginning of its development, when there was neither the investor's back office, nor representative offices of "Duyunov's motors" in other countries, people were driven by the belief in a better future and the idea that our world will be saved from destruction by new technologies, saving and efficient. Our first investors sought to support this belief in themselves and others by investing in "Slavyanka".

Thanks to them, as well as the hard work of the SOLARGROUP team, the project has long crossed its "halfway" and is moving to the next stage of successful implementation.

If you haven't joined the team of our investors, now is high time to do it! To register use the link reg.solargroup.pro!