How to get to the top from scratch | The story of partner Savvana Sreedhararao

How to get to the top from scratch | The story of partner Savvana Sreedhararao

My name is Savvana Sreedhararao. I live in Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, India.

I majored as an Internet marketing manager. I was engaged in farming and had a part-time job in online marketing. What I earned was enough for household expenses, to provide for my family.

SOLARGROUP was founded in 2017, but I joined it in 2018 when my friend Sailendra Kumar Rajak introduced the project to me. I was impressed by the technology itself and the opportunity to address the environmental pollution. I met my friends and associates in this company!

I started working step by step, we had meetings, for example, in Kadapa in my state of Andhra Pradesh, in Chennai, Delhi, Amdhabad (Gujarat), in Udaipur (Rajasthan). Here I started with zero income, worked hard and got results. Step by step I reached all the statuses of the SOLARGROUP marketing plan. I've had the "Professional" status for almost two years now. My team has always supported me. I am now pursuing the goal that I set for myself at the very start: to reach the final stage together with the project.

My work comprises the partner business tasks, marketing, information support of each stage in the company's development. My team unites almost 5,000 people, I have a high income, and there are representatives from other countries in my structure.

I like promoting this company, I like the SOLARGROUP partner program.

Right now I have comfortable working hours. I am glad that my vision of business agrees with the company's vision. From day one, I've been watching how the company does business. I've been monitoring it for 4 years. The company keeps all its promises. Everything is proceeding perfectly and as planned. I can see that, compared to others, everything here is organized transparently. This is the best online business to date. I've worked on some online projects before and I can compare. SOLARGROUP offers the best conditions. Nowhere else can you achieve such a high income in a partner program as here. I am ready to say it again: today SOLARGROUP is the best.

I believe that my success in marketing comes from being able to work remotely. It's a popular format, it's my style. Promotion in social media is an effective tool. I have achieved a lot in online business because SOLARGROUP provides the best opportunities in the world to do so. And it opens these opportunities to everyone!

I am an individualist, for me it is important to be independent in my work. I learn everything I need for that on my own, without a mentor's help. And I intend to strengthen my partnership with SOLARGROUP in all directions.

For those who are starting out as a partner right now - I want to tell you that you have chosen the best technology and online business company, and the best platform to make money.

I am happy with everything here. And I was happy when I was given the opportunity to speak at offline and online meetings.

Thank you for SOLARGROUP! I am happy to be with you.