Where the project participants work | The survey results

Where the project participants work | The survey results

A week ago, we asked the project participants what field they work in. Today we are summing up the survey results.

Almost 550 people, mostly residents of Russia, participated in the survey. Thank you for your activity!

A significant number of the survey participants (26.8%) work in industry and production.

17% chose the option "Other". This group brought together people employed in the field of culture, services businesses, and other fields not included in the main list.

12.2 % of respondents do not work being retired, students or unemployed. Interestingly, there is a clear majority of people from this group among the foreign survey participants.

11,8% of you turned out to be experts in the field of IT. 10% work in the field of trade and the same amount - in real estate.

5% of the survey participants are employed in education and science, and 3.9% - in medicine.

The least number of participants are financiers (2.6%) and lawyers (0.4%).

As you can see, the project is trusted by specialists in various fields. According to the previous survey, many people participate in the project to boost their income and support the Russian technology.