Questions&Answers. A combined winding hub motor: what plans does "SovElMash" have for this development?

Questions&Answers. A combined winding hub motor: what plans does "SovElMash" have for this development?

One of the most frequently discussed topics by the project investors is the prospects for Duyunov's hub motor. Not so long ago we wrote about the reasons why "SovElMash" had decided to suspend this development for a while and deal with the top-priority tasks. To recap, it has largely been done because the demand for hub motors is much lower than for general-purpose industrial motors.

Dmitriy Duyunov has provided additional information about what tasks the company will have to perform in order to continue developing and implementing the hub motor.
First of all, it is necessary to create special-purpose unique equipment to produce the world's only combined winding hub motors. And this cannot be ignored in any way if we want to maintain the product quality.

Besides, it will be necessary to develop technical solutions that will make us independent of the supply of components from abroad and thus reduce the production cost of the hub motor without compromising the quality. "SovElMash" has already faced the problem of excessive growth of prices for Chinese equipment during the pandemic. To secure oneself in the future, the company needs a full production cycle that will be implemented in the innovative center.

The goal of "SovElMash" is to launch a high-quality, unique product on the market and to be a self-reliant company, not a puppet one. Therefore, it's necessary to master not only the combined winding technology, but also other technologies, for example, for creating our own original encoder.

You can find Dmitriy Duyunov's detailed comments about the hub motor in the video.

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