The week results in the project "Duyunov's motor"

The week results in the project "Duyunov's motor"

A breakthrough in Thailand! A number of important events happened for the last week that demonstrated the acknowledgment of the "Slavyanka" technology in the South Asian region.

All of this news is connected with the activity of Victor Arestov's company ASPP Weihai Technology that is currently participating in several Thai projects at the same time.

The motors modernized using Duyunov's technology and controller produced by ASPP Weihai have been officially acknowledged. After the successful tests at the University of Bangkok, these developments were acknowledged as the best among the rivals and got the certificate at the "E-TukTuk Conversion Contest 2019" event. In the near future, the Thai tuk-tuks will be equipped with combined winding electric motors.

Another project Victor Arestov's company participates in - modernizing traditional Thai boats - is developing at a rapid pace.We have written about it in more detail here — /news/posts/eshhe-odin-proekt-viktora-arestova-lodka-s-solnecnoi-batareei-i-dvigatelem-duyunova-1001

In the course of the passing week, a boat equipped with a combined winding electric motor DA-100SL and controller produced by ASPP Weihai as well as a solar panel was launched in order to test it in operation and make the required adjustments. On November 11 the boat will be introduced to the prime minister of Thailand.

We are often asked why Victor Arestov's achievements are associated with the project "Duyunov's motors". Can they interfere with the activity of the company "SovElMash"?
The project founders believe and constantly remind that, on the contrary: thanks to the activity of licensed winding specialists, the "Slavyanka" technology is becoming more popular and requested worldwide. New far-reaching prospects are appearing for the activity of the "SovElMash" future innovative centre. Dmitriy Duyunov once again answered these questions within the framework of the regular webinar held last Thursday.
Testing size 100 motors produced in Russia and modernized using the "Slavyanka" technology was held in the "SovElMash" laboratory. In the course of testing, it was proved that it's possible to make a motor with the performance features of class IE4 and higher in the frame of class IE1 motor with the same basic dimensions. Here we published an interesting video in which the leading engineers of "SovElMash" announced the practical results and interpreted them in the context of the regulatory documents - /news/posts/testiruem-dvigateli-sovelmas-999

"SovElMash" is getting ready for putting into operation a big test bench: it is already connected to the cooling system, equipped with controllers, some additional equipment is expected to arrive to complete the works.

For the company SOLARGROUP, the week was marked by preparation to a number of International conferences. The nearest one will be held in a week on November 16 in New Delhi. Hungary is the next country after India to open the national representative office. In Budapest the conference will be held on November 30. On December 7 the project team will be welcomed in Hanoi, Vietnam.

The event registration is on and available in the "Events" section of the back office - /events/meetings