Number of investors, investments and shares

Number of investors, investments and shares

In early June, the SOLARGROUP executives summarized the interim results of the project funding and announced them in a live broadcast. Today we're covering the key performance indicators.

• In May, the number of participants registered in the back office exceeded half a million. The project is known about in all countries, on all continents.

The total number of investors in the project is now over 67,500. There are over 19,300 active partners who have ever attracted investment in the project.

• The repaid investment shares amount to more than 49 billion. The unpaid shares amount to almost 9 billion.

• We've grown in the main aspect. An all-time record amount of over $ 1,300,000 has been transferred to "Sovelmash". Compared to May 2023, there has been a 2-fold increase in the amount of payments.

2023 was a breakthrough year in terms of the volume of replenishments in the back office — this indicator increased 2 times compared to the previous year. In 2024, we continue to hold this bar not only through new investors, but also through the support of those who have been with us for a long time.

Sergey Semyonov: "In January, Dmitriy Duyunov and I agreed that we would transfer 600,000,000 rubles to him over 6 months. We have already collected that amount." As of June 5, about 430,000,000 rubles of the planned amount was transferred to "Sovelmash". The remaining funds will also be sent soon.

Learn more about the development of the project in the broadcast recording.

This substantial growth is attributed to the fact that we are approaching the completion of funding and construction of the "Sovelmash" D&E and putting the enterprise into operation. Investors understand that it is either now or never for them to expand their assets or start investing.