Victor Arestov: how ASPP Weihai was made

Victor Arestov: how ASPP Weihai was made

Victor Arestov is the partner of the project “Duyunov’s motors” and the chief executive officer of the company ASPP Weihai. Thanks to Victor and his team, Dmitriy Duyunov’s technology is being so actively popularized abroad. In the course of his recent visit to Zelenograd, Victor gave a short interview to Alexander Sudarev, where he told about the origins of the company ASPP Weihai and the projects it is currently working on.

The formation of ASPP Weihai lasted for almost 3 years. It started in China where Victor Arestov went in the framework of the partnership with a major Asian company.
Acquaintance with the company took place at the exhibition in Monaco and resulted in work on modernizing motors for electric cars Dayang Chok using “Slavyanka” technology and their subsequent testing.
Back then the tests not only demonstrated saving of electrical energy up to 30% and the technology efficiency on the whole, but also identified the existing problem with the controllers. At that time, the Curtis controllers were used, their price was several times higher than the motor’s, which made the project unprofitable for the Chinese market.

Victor Arestov visited a large number of cities in China and held dozens of negotiations with the suppliers of controllers. After a year of business trips, he chose Weihai and started the partnership with a Russian partner in the framework of applying “Slavyanka” technology for an electric motor of a Pickman car.

ASPP Weihai was founded in 2018 in partnership with the Chinese electric car producer. Over a year Arestov tested different transport models operating with the “Slavyanka” motor, trying several controller makes and choosing the most appropriate one.

After all the tests and research, the partners proved the competitive edge of Duyunov’s motors: they are not only highly efficient, but also much cheaper to produce as compared against similar motors.
The impressive results that the motors modernized using Duyunov’s technology demonstrated became public knowledge, Arestov and his activity was discussed in mass media, ASPP Weihai got the official support of the local authorities.

Nowadays DA-90S, DA-100S motors made using “Slavyanka” technology are mass produced by ASPP Weihai. There are agreements with a number of partners, among them – a major Asian producer of solar panels and an Indian company interested in modernizing electric motors for its cars.

The next step is the first prototypes of motors used for electric transport with solar panels and also mass production of bicycles with a “Slavyanka” motor.

The goal of the company is not only producing motors for electric transport, but also reaching out for producers of industrial motors and promoting the idea of making such motors both in China and in Russia, thanks to the project “Duyunov’s motors” that ASPP Weihai is closely connected to.