SOLARGROUP webinars: more formats and experts on air

SOLARGROUP webinars: more formats and experts on air

During the pandemic when offline events are restricted, webinars have become the most relevant sources of information for the investors and partners of the "SovElMash" project ("Duyunov's motors"). To make online broadcasts even more interesting for all categories of the project participants, we have made them more diverse.

Live broadcasts with the participation of the national representatives and leading partners of SOLARGROUP are held monthly in 10 languages: Russian, English, Spanish, Bulgarian, German, Hungarian, Croatian, French, Hindi, and Vietnamese.

Starting from November, the format of our webinars for the foreign investors will change. They will differ in their content and speakers. Several broadcasts on different topics will be held in the same language for a month:

- presentation of the "SovElMash" project ("Duyunov's motors"),
- presentation of the partner program,
- the project and SOLARGROUP news,
- exchanging experience with the successful partners of SOLARGROUP,
- news and expert opinion from the partners of the company "SovElMash".

The national representatives of SOLARGROUP will conduct the project presentations and report news. The regular feature will be the invited experts from different countries participating in the broadcast: the top officials of SOLARGROUP and the project, engineering experts and key partners.
We will invite only the most interesting guests for the audience: Victor Arestov, Dr. Lu Tao, Andrey Lobov, Aleksandr Seryozhenkin, Pavel Shadskiy, Pavel Filippov and others.

Thanks to the variety of webinar topics and guests, you can:
- get to know the project's top officials better,
- understand the uniqueness and advantages of the "Slavyanka" technology,
- always be updated on how the project is developing and what events are happening in the company "SovElMash",
- understand how to make money from the partner program now,
- get answers to all of your questions about the project.

Additional bonus in November: we have significantly updated the presentation materials about the partner program. Now it describes all the partner's opportunities and tools in even more detail, including SOLARGROUP's back office.

Check out the current schedule of all the webinars here /events/webinars

Besides, a link to the webinar broadcast in your language will be sent to your email address on the day of the online event to make sure you don't miss anything.

Join the live broadcasts to get comprehensive information and ask your question to the experts. Invite your friends and colleagues!