TOP 10 of the brightest events in the history of the project "Duyunov's motors"

TOP 10 of the brightest events in the history of the project "Duyunov's motors"

For the last 2.5 years the project "Duyunov's motors" has completed important development stages making a name for itself in 116 world countries and attracting 200 thousand participants.

Today we want to mention all the important milestones in the project history in order to remember what it all started with.

1) May 30, 2017 – The project financing start was announced. Everyone could contribute any amount of money to the enterprise that would work on design and development of innovative induction electric motors based on the "Slavyanka" technology. The participants with the contribution of over 3,000 roubles were put in the register of the future company's co-owners.

2) March 28, 2018 - The first startup of the test bench equipment in the laboratory of "SovElMash" located on the leased premises in Zelenograd. Duyunov's team of engineers checked the performance of the test bench by taking the trial measurements of the electric motors operation.

3) In May 2018 a major partner provided the letter of commitment about the additional funding of the project in case the funds attarcted by means of crown funding were not sufficcient. This milestone event proved: the innovative centre of "SovElMash" has the future!

4) May 30, 2018 – The Investment agreement was published in the project back office - a document governing the legal relations of the investor and the project "Duyunov's motors". Starting with this moment it became impossible to document a package of shares in the back office without signing the electronic copy of the agreement.

5) October 6, 2018 – The company "SovElMash" got the developer company code (decimal number). The four-character combination of letters is required for marking products and main design documents in compliance with GOST 2.201. Now the company can execute documents and work with the state agencies and quality control department at a professional level.

6) February 15, 2019 - "SovElMash" got the resident status in the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" having signed the agreement at the Russian investment forum in Sochi. Together with this honourable status the company got the opportunity to start the construction of the design and engineering departnment (D3333E) and conduct further activity in the beneficial tax, financial and high-tech conditions.

7) April 26, 2019 - The land lease agreement with the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" was signed for the construction of "SovElMash" design and engineering department. On July 30, 2019 the agreement was registered in Rosreestr.

8) On June 13, 2019 - The trilateral agreement between the company "SovElMash", the technical supervisor the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" and the general contractor - the company "Block" was signed concerning the construction of D3333E.

9) June 28, 2019 - Certification of the "SovElMash" laboratory. The "SovElMash" laboratory got external certification and obtained the certificates of the measurement equipment calibration that prove its integrity and compliance with the required parameters, and also grant the right to be used as a measurement facility on the territory of the Russian Federation.

10) July 5, 2019 – The company SOLARGROUP became the co-founder of "SovElMash". The information about SOLARGROUP being the co-founder of OOO "SovElMash" with the share of 49.5 % was put in the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities. The relationship between the companies was officially confirmed: all the project investors who had the shares of the company SolarGroup became the co-owners of OOO "SovElMash".