SOLARGROUP opens a national representative office in North Macedonia

SOLARGROUP opens a national representative office in North Macedonia

To celebrate this event, SOLARGROUP will hold its first conference in Macedonia. 

It will be personally attended by the company's management, investors and partners who are fully committed to developing the project in this region. SOLARGROUP's top managers Pavel Shadskiy and Pavel Filippov, head of the "Resurs" production corporation Andrey Lobov, and national representative of SOLARGROUP in North Macedonia Vasko Popovski will speak at the event. 

For residents of North Macedonia, the conference is a first-time opportunity to:

• communicate with the SOLARGROUP management, investors and partners from their country, 

• meet the national representative of SOLARGROUP in Macedonia, 

• learn about the "Sovelmash" D&E construction process, the project development dynamics in the markets of other countries, and the financial results that have been achieved. 

• see motors with the "Slavyanka" combined winding firsthand and get information about the technology. 

When: November 12.
Guest registration begins at 10:30 local time.

Skopje, Holiday Inn Hotel, 5 Filip Vtori Makedonski, Millenium II hall. 

Participation is free of charge.

The number of spots is limited! We are inviting 150 guests only to the conference: the most interested in the project investors, partners and new participants. 

Register by following this link to be among them. And invite your friends from Macedonia to the event.