Work on the hub motor and the angle grinder: What's new in the "Sovelmash" testing area and laboratory?

Work on the hub motor and the angle grinder: What's new in the "Sovelmash" testing area and laboratory?

In the latest broadcast of the "Expert Time" program, Dmitriy Duyunov speaks about the tasks that "Sovelmash" is currently engaged in, in addition to the engineering center construction and processing of requests from potential customers.

The company's specialists continue to work on the pilot developments, specifically on the hub motor with the "Slavyanka" combined winding. It has undergone serious changes and is made by applying industrial technology, not "as a kitchen-table effort". The new technology was used to produce sample motors, which then were subjected to preliminary tests. Now more serious tests of hub motors in different modes of operation are underway. The tests showed that these motors are bound to be made, so making the process equipment for their production started.

Work continues on preparations for mass production of angle grinders (UShM). The "Sovelmash" specialists manufactured parts for plastic housings of the future tool. In the near future, the angle grinder industrial samples will be assembled in the configuration to be used for mass production, and their testing will begin. Meanwhile, an order is being compiled for a batch of angle grinders, which will be sold under the pre-orders of the project participants.

Watch the video to learn more details about the current work at "Sovelmash".