Your opinion is important to us!

Your opinion is important to us!

Dear partner! We want to communicate directly with our many thousands of members, and it's important for us to maintain a dialogue with you.

We have recently developed and posted a number of tools in the back office that can help both investors and partners. These tools will be especially useful for you, the partner of SOLARGROUP.

"Partner Work Methodology". This is a training material that will help you answer the two main questions in the partner business: where to find investors and partners and how to interact with them. We regularly update the methodology with new information so that you continue to grow in business.

"Knowledge Base". This is comprehensive and structured information about the project and the company from the official source. The "Knowledge Base" has a search tool and is available to any registered user. This is a joint work of SOLARGROUP and "Sovelmash", so the information in the "Knowledge Base" is unified and has no double interpretations.

Promotions for partners. These are routine business processes translated into a game format. Participation in them allows you to work with excitement, focus on the main thing and achieve the goal in time: to boost your partner status, receive status gifts, up to 100,000 investment shares and more than $ 1,000 in addition to the marketing plan remuneration.

Follow the link – and answer the questions. It won't take you more than a minute.
SOLARGROUP team is constantly working to make your cooperation with us beneficial, comfortable and interesting. Feedback from you will help us move in the right direction faster to meet your expectations and needs. Thanks for sharing your opinion!